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12 questions with DL Roy Lopez | Drew's Dozen

1)DD: How long is your hair going to grow?
Lopez: It needs a cut. My Nana's the one that does my hair. Or, originally, it was my Nana, but now it's my sister. She now does my hair. She doesn't want anybody else touching my hair.

2) DD: So I take it Nana is one of your grandmothers?
Lopez: Yes.

3) DD: Ok, so she's pretty protective. Has that protection ever been tested by somebody else cutting your hair?
Lopez: Both of my Nanas are hairdressers. That's what they do, but it's been my mom's side that did it when I was younger. They were protective. They're the only ones that touch my hair, but now they understand that my sister took over. My sister takes pride in it. Every time someone talks about it or says a compliment about it, she smiles and feels good. So yeah, all credit to her.

4) DD: Your sisters, your family, are obviously very, very important parts of your life. We've seen them crying tears of joy and pride for you after ballgames. How much fun has it been for you this season, seeing them react to your successes?
Lopez: My sisters are just a small portion of what people feel. My family is glued to the TV on Sunday. They send me videos. Everybody's just surrounding the TV. That's the biggest thing for me: being able to make them proud and seeing videos and messages from them. They'll probably never understand how that makes me feel. That's my greatest accomplishment to this day, you know, being able to see smiles on their faces and how they feel pride. I feel that times 10, going back to the moment I got drafted. It was one of the best days of my life. It was a sigh of relief, but at the same time, it was a great, loving, proud moment for everybody.

5) DD: If you look at your hair right now in this interview, how would your Nanas and your sisters grade out the hairstyle right now?
Lopez: Probably not too good. It's a little uneven. So that means my bun was uneven when I started it, but I just got out of the shower, so it needs to dry before we can fully critique it. So right now, it's about a B. If it's my sister Alexa, she'll probably give me a C.

6) DD: But we need those folks like Alexa in our life who hold us to a higher standard, right?
Lopez: 100 percent.

7) DD: Last week, when I did this interview, DL Jacob Martin said you're the best dancer on the team. Why would he say that?
Lopez: That is funny, but the D-line doesn't have too many good dancers. So it might be me.

8) DD: Do you know how to tango?
Lopez: I do. I know how to do all the dances.

9) DD: He said the tango is the only dance that he cannot do and he knew you could, for some reason. Have you been tangoing in the locker room?
Lopez: No, I showed him a video, but I asked if he could two-step because of his gameday outfits with the cowboy hats and cowboy boots.

10) DD: You were born on August 7th. So was quarterback Kyler Murray. Sidney Crosby, one of the greatest hockey players ever. Mike Trout is one of the greatest baseball players ever and then Lee Corso of ESPN Game Day. It's a pretty cool crew. If you guys all got together, what's the conversation like at dinner?
Lopez: I think everybody you named right there is competitive. So there's gotta be something we're arguing over. It probably would start with the LeBron/Michael Jordan debate. That's an easy one to start. So we'll probably go there.

11) DD: Where do you stand on that, by the way?
Lopez: LeBron James, but I understand people have their opinion.

12) DD: What's the first concert you ever went to?
Lopez: Jason Aldean.

BAKER'S DOZEN) DD: What's your favorite exercise in the weight room and your least favorite exercise in the weight room?
Lopez: Favorite? We'll go bench. Least favorite? Anything single-leg, right? Single-leg elevated squats: anything, single leg.

Watch the Houston Texans take on the Tennessee Titans at NRG Stadium on January 9. Kickoff is at noon. Click here for tickets.

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