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12 questions with OL Tytus Howard | Drew's Dozen

1) DD: Tytus Howard, your wife just had a baby. Congratulations! Are you getting some sleep?
HOWARD: Hey, I'm making the best of what I can as a father. I can't complain. We've been on the field and we just go out there and work.

2) DD: What's the toughest part of a newborn baby?
HOWARD: Getting acclimated to getting a lot less sleep. We have an 18-month old daughter, too. Getting her used to being around her little brother and stuff like that. But for the most part, I think me and my wife been transitioning pretty good. I think we got this thing in the bag.

3) DD: Is your daughter cool with her little brother?
HOWARD: She's been doing pretty good. We've been trying to get her out of her paci (baby pacifier). But when she sees him with his, sometimes she'll try to take it from him. But other than that, she just really walks around and says "Baby, baby."

4) DD: For the record, I know you want to get her off the paci, but it's called a "pacifier" for a reason, right?
HOWARD: You're right about that. There are days when she doesn't want to be quiet. Paci's can be wonderful.

5) DD: Being a big guy in a really hot environment like this, how do you beat the heat after practice?
HOWARD: I go back inside. I sit down. I hydrate as much as possible. Some days I go ahead and get in a cold tub.

6) DD: When you hit the cold tub, do you just get in silently? Or do you still let out a shout?
HOWARD: Now it's easy. Because the quicker you get in, the easier it is. When you take your time getting in and you're thinking about it too much, it just gets colder and colder.

7) DD: What's your reaction when you take your time?
HOWARD: *blows air through teeth, winces, makes weird sound*

I learned from when Nick Martin that sometimes you should just go in and put your head all the way underwater.

8) DD: That also helps scare everybody around you, right?
HOWARD: Yes. EVERYbody around me.

9) DD: Who has the loudest and worst reaction getting in the cold tub?
HOWARD: It's not just one person. I think all the DB's (defensive backs). They're little guys and they get cold easily. Us big guys have a little more on us. Those smaller DB's will put socks on and put the little covers over their toes. We just go ahead and get in the water like it's nothing.

10) DD: What's your go-to dish that you cook?
HOWARD: A Cajun-style catfish or a blackened salmon, with a rice pilaf or a cauliflower bed, some green beans, probably some carrots or mushrooms, something like that. Right now I'm trying to eat healthy.

11) DD: Sounds good, like a Pappadeaux's dish, right?
HOWARD: Yeah, Pappadeaux's ain't got nothing on me..

12) DD: Would you rather be the mightiest squirrel in the world or the weakest fire breathing dragon in the world?
HOWARD: That's a tough one. But I'm all about being mighty, so I'll say the squirrel.

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