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Black, Zgonina speak with Texans

Following are comments from free agent offensive tackle Jordan Black after he visited with Texans officials on Thursday.


(on coming to Houston) "Well, I am from Dallas. It's always good to come back to Texas, and it would make me very happy to be a part of this organization and this town."

(on helping out along the offensive line) "You don't want to go someplace where you don't feel needed or wanted.  I get the feeling that there is some interest here and I would like to help them any way I can.  If it works out that way, that would be great."

(on him as a player) "I'm going to play hard and I'm going to work hard.  My goal is to get better everyday and my goal is to help the team the most that I can.  I'm just going to go out to practice and try to become a better player and help the team."

(on the Texans' scheme) "It's the NFL, there really are no secrets; it's just the manner in which you call the plays that really separates yourself.  But, I've been around for four years and I know a little, I'm not going to say I know a lot, but it comes with experience.  I'm very confident that I could pick it up and play well here."

(on what he likes about the Texans) "The facilities are unbelievable.  They are far beyond the others teams that I've visited; the weight room, the locker room, everything, it's first class here.  That just says a lot about the ownership and it shows the commitment they have here to winning and wanting to take the next step."

(on if he's a right or left tackle) "I've been playing left tackle, but, let me practice a position and I'll play it.  I'm easy that way.  I can play whatever they want me to."

(on other visits) "There are still a few teams that I might go visit.  I've been to Tampa and Oakland, the whole coast to coast thing, but I like Houston and I like what's going on here.  We'll see what happens as far as taking the rest of these visits"

(on teams trying to keep free agents and sign them) "If they can, they have some little tricks to keep you there, but, that is the way it is.  There are little things.  I'll just leave it at that."

Following are comments from free agent defensive tackle Jeff Zgonina (pronounced Ska-nee-na) after he spoke with Texans officials on Thursday in Houston.


(on his visit so far)"So far, good.  It's a nice place down here and nice facilities.  I met some of the coaches and liked them a lot and we'll go from there."

(on the attraction to Houston) "That is the reason I came down.  I'm familiar with (Texans Defensive Coordinator) Richard Smith, the defensive coordinator who was in Miami two years ago with me.  And that has something to do with it.  I know his system a little bit.  Being an older guy, you really don't want to start from square one again, so it would be perfect for me."

(on worrying about visiting a young team) "You take it into account, yes, but I want to go somewhere where I'm familiar with some people.  I've been in the league for so long that I've played against and played with some of the guys on the team and some of the coaches I know.  That is what makes it appealing to me."

(on how he describes himself as a player) "Ugly.  There is not a lot of flash in this old body.  I try to play every down as hard as I can and to the best of my ability."

(on being a run stuffer) "I guess yes, there is no pass rush in this body.  So I'm more of a run stopper I guess."

(on if he's surprised he's lasted in the league so long) "Yes, really surprised.  There were times when I was bouncing from city to city and hoping I could make it this year.  Now, I've been blessed and got a good 14 in and hopefully 15."

(on maintaining the drive to play for so many years) "You just keep going and now its like 'I might as well keep going, I feel better now'.  After I got cut from Pittsburgh after my second year, I thought, 'This could be it.'  Then I went to Carolina for a little bit, then to St. Louis. After St. Louis cut me the first time, I was in Oakland for five days and didn't really do anything then I ended up in Indianapolis and I thought it was over.  Then I hooked back on with St. Louis and had a nice little run going."

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