Hi Texans fans! I just wanted to give you an update on our exciting trip to Atlanta for our Pro-Cheer Camp. More than 20 of your Houston Texans Cheerleaders attended this year and we had an amazing time! After we landed in Atlanta, the whole team went and had dinner and then went to bed early to rest up for Saturday's classes.
We met up at 8:45 am to choose what classes we all wanted to attend and then headed into the main ballroom to warm up and learn our first group routine taught by our director Alto. Before the class started, Amanda and I decided to take some photos with some of the other cheer teams that attended. This turned out to be a fabulous idea, as once we started sweating we didn't stop. We all attended 3 different classes that day and finished up around 4 pm. We then went to dinner and celebrated Monica's birthday, which happened to be that Saturday. By 10:00 pm, we were all exhausted and needed to get ready for another day of classes.
When we woke up Sunday morning, we realized we all had two things in common, stiff necks and sore legs. Putting our soreness aside your Texans Cheerleaders represented in all of our classes that morning. It was so much fun to see the different cheer teams there and to take class from directors across the league. I had the opportunity to take class from the Minnesota Vikings' director and chatted with some of her girls during the breaks. We talked about the differences in our teams, and it was fascinating to learn about their squad. I must say those girls can kick! All in all, we had a wonderful time learning routines, meeting other girls and bonding as a team. I can't wait for the fans to see some of our new moves on the field. Go Texans!
- Sonya