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Drew's Dirty Dozen: 12Q with OLB Whitney Mercilus

1) DD: Who's the tidiest Texan?

Mercilus: It's gotta be (Safety) Justin Reid. He's real tidy.  

2) DD: Who's the messiest Texan?

Mercilus: B-Mac (ILB Benardrick McKinney). Or (Outside linebacker Brennan) Scarlett. Either one of the two. Just walk by his locker one time, you're going to know.  

3) DD: What do you eat for breakfast at camp?

Mercilus: Whoo, it's pretty light. A little bit of greenery. Arugla salad or some spinach in the morning with a little bit of eggs. Some sausage patties.

4) DD: What was your favorite TV show when you were growing up?

Mercilus: Dragon Ball Z! No doubt. A little anime tv show when I was little, growing up. Still a fan. Love me some anime, for sure.

5) DD: What's your favorite TV show now?

Mercilus: Black Mirror. That'll get your mind.

6) DD: Which teammate gets you most pumped up?

Mercilus: On most days, I'm going to go with B-Mac. He usually brings some good juice.

7) DD: Which teammate calms you down the most?

Mercilus: Myself. I'm going to go with myself.

8) DD: Who has the best hair on the team?

Mercilus: B-Mac. Justin Reid. (Cornerback) Johnson Bademosi. He's got some roots and berries up in his joint.

9) DD: Did you just make a 'Coming to America' barbershop joke?

Mercilus: No question.

10) DD: What's your best football trait?

Mercilus: My determination. I get knocked down seven times, I get back up that eighth time and just keep going, no matter what. I don't care how tired I am. How beat up. My determination really sets me apart.

11) DD: If you weren't playing football now, in what career would you be?

Mercilus: A surgeon. I was actually studying to go into pre-med.

12) DD: What's the best part of camp?

Mercilus: Getting sleep. It's important. You don't get enough sleep, you're not going to be productive on the field. 

BAKER'S DOZEN) DD: What's the worst part of training camp?

Mercilus: The meetings. Straight up.

Check out the best shots from the second day of training camp in Houston. Presented by Houston Methodist.

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