The "My Cause My Boots" initiative is one that I am very proud of as a Houston Texans Cheerleader. Being a HTC gives me the opportunity to spread awareness about causes that mean the most to me.
This year, HTC has proudly chosen to represent the Houston Area Women's Center (HAWC) as our "My Cause, My Boots'' initiative to raise awareness for domestic violence and the work that HAWC supports. This season, HAWC chief public strategies officer, Chau Nguyen, visited us and discussed with us the importance of combating domestic violence and the efforts HAWC does as an organization to support the survivors. As we learned about domestic violence and heard some of the victim's heartbreaking stories, our decision to choose HAWC and domestic violence as our cause was easy.
To better connect with the center, my HTC family and I volunteered our time and packed toiletry kits, emergency shelter PPE kits and children's kits for women and children who seek safe refuge at HAWC. A group of us personally visited the center and dropped off the needed items. Packaging these items with my teammates and knowing how much of an impact this would make was fulfilling and heartwarming. Hand delivering the items intensified this feeling. This moment was surreal and special to all of us.
We wanted the women and children who receive these items to feel special and loved and to create a lasting memory for them to cherish this holiday season. In addition to this, my teammates and I will all be representing the Houston Area Women's Center by wearing a purple flower on our boots this game against the Colts and stand to end domestic violence.
Being a HTC is more than glitz and glam. Volunteering our time and dedication to the City of Houston is also an important aspect to us. I truly enjoy each moment I get to represent the Texans organization and HTC in uniform while also connecting and sharing my love and passion with the community. As a Houston Texans Cheerleader, we are given a platform to represent ourselves and the organization with pride and integrity. Personally, being able to use my platform to bring awareness to a cause that is important to our team is the greatest reward in a season of giving. I hope this encourages you to educate yourself on a cause that is important to you!
For more information on Houston Area Women's Center and how to give your donations or time, click here.
Happy Holidays and go Texans!
- HTC Jasmine
The Houston Texans Cheerleaders have proudly chosen to represent the Houston Area Women's Center (HAWC) as their "My Cause, My Boots'' initiative to raise awareness for domestic violence and the work that HAWC supports.