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Women in Sports

National Girls and Women in Sports Day | 2021

In honor of National Girls and Women in Sports Day, the Houston Texans organization would like to highlight a few of our incredible female Teammates!

Brooke Jenkins | Partnership Marketing Representative

How many seasons have you been with the organization?
2 Seasons

What does National Girls and Women in Sports Day mean to you?
National Girls and Women in Sports Day is an amazing reminder to me that sports are for everyone!!

What is a lesson you learned playing or working in sports that you still apply today?
I grew up playing basketball from the age of 5 to 18 and learned many lessons during that time. One that has stuck with me through all this time is "it's okay to not be able to do it all, that's why you have teammates." While playing basketball I learned very quickly that I could not make many three pointers and while this was frustrating at first, I realized that it was okay because that was not my role on the team it was someone else's. Mine was to rebound or make layups etc. While that seems like such a silly lesson because obviously basketball teams have 5 players on the court for a reason it is so applicable in my role at the Texans. I have to constantly remind myself that it is okay I cannot do it all, it's okay that I might not be the one that is shooting/making three pointers because I have so many other amazing teammates around me that are shooting and making the threes while I'm focusing on getting back and playing defense. The Texans have so many amazing women in the organization and it is so comforting to know that I can lean on these teammates!

What advice do you have for girls and women seeking a career in sports?
My best piece of advice would be to find other women in sports that you can surround yourself with. Having other women that work in the same industry that are able to encourage, support and teach you will be incredibly impactful for your career.

Deepi​ Sidhu | Texans Insider and Senior Content Producer

How many seasons have you been with the organization?
I've been with the Texans for eight seasons.

What does National Girls and Women in Sports Day mean to you?
To have a day to celebrate women in sports means that we are a growing group! I remember when it was unusual to see a woman working for a sports team or covering sports on television. There is still a long way to go, but the landscape of reporters, team employees and women in sports is growing each year and that is definitely something to celebrate.

What is a lesson you learned playing or working in sports that you still apply today?
One lesson that I learned is that nothing beats good preparation. If you know your stuff, you can't help but be confident. Also, surround yourself with a strong support group as your sounding board for all things work-related, life-related, etc. I have a group of female NFL team reporters that I talk to regularly. And yes, I realize that's two lessons!

What advice do you have for girls and women seeking a career in sports?
Be yourself. Don't try to be anyone else, no matter how successful you think he/she is. Your individuality and perspective is unique to you and that's your biggest asset!

Erica​ Martinez | Ticket Hospitality and Sponsor Ticket Coordinator

How many seasons have you been with the organization?
2021 will be my 5th season with the team

What does National Girls and Women in Sports Day mean to you?
National Girls and Women in Sports Day means that I can be whatever I want to be! Growing up in El Paso, TX, I didn't know what was possible for my future. It wasn't until I moved to Houston that I found a love for hospitality in sports. I began volunteering with multiple organizations while in high school and it continued through college. I eventually joined the Houston Texans in a part-time role and realized how much I loved making an impact on our fans. I knew I wanted to be a part of the organization at a bigger capacity and, a year later, I was asked to join full-time. I'm grateful that I'm surrounded by so many incredible women in so many different roles. Representation matters and I'm excited to see how far we've come.

What is a lesson you learned playing or working in sports that you still apply today?
A lesson I've learned while working in sports is that it's more rewarding to be a part of a team that is all working towards a common goal. I've learned the value of teamwork and how much can get accomplished with good chemistry.

What advice do you have for girls and women seeking a career in sports?
My advice for girls and women seeking a career in sports is to go after it! If an opportunity presents itself, even if it's not the original job you were hoping for, take it! What you do with that position and how you choose to grow will speak volumes to those in your organization and eventually get you recognized. Don't ever think you're too good for a job or task and always stay humble to who you are.

Evin Martinez | Corporate Development Manager

How many seasons have you been with the organization?
1 Season

What does National Girls and Women in Sports Day mean to you?
NGWSD is a wonderful way to highlight the importance of sports participation for girls and to recognize those who are paving the way as we continue to work towards equality for women in sports.

What is a lesson you learned playing or working in sports that you still apply today?
Playing sports growing up not only taught me discipline, but how to set goals and go after them. Hard work pays off, and that directly applies to my everyday life now, both in and outside of work.

What advice do you have for girls and women seeking a career in sports?
Don't be afraid to go after what you want, and always be yourself!

Hailey Herrick | Corporate Communications Intern

How many seasons have you been with the organization?
I am currently in my first year with the Houston Texans, but second season in the NFL.

What does National Girls and Women in Sports Day mean to you?
National Girls and Women in Sports Day means to me that you can be anything you set your mind to. If you work hard enough at whatever goals you set for yourself, the possibilities are endless.

What is a lesson you learned playing or working in sports that you still apply today?
One of the best lessons sports has taught me is that everyone has a chance to be successful. If you work at your craft day in and day out to better yourself, whenever it's time for you to step up to the plate or take the lead, you will be prepared to be successful.

Another thing I think of that sports has taught me is the power of synergy – the combined power of when individuals come together is greater than the sum of the separate individual parts. I always try to put the same level of importance of others needs as my own so that I can always be help put my department and team in the best position to be successful no matter what task is at hand.

What advice do you have for girls and women seeking a career in sports?
My advice for young girls and women seeking a career in sports is to always be thinking about the future. What can you do today that will put you in the best position to learn, improve and be successful tomorrow. I am always thinking about the extra things I can help with or take on to not only be better prepared for any task I am given, but to help those around me be successful!

Haley Stork | Administrative Assistant, Player Personnel

How many seasons have you been with the organization?
I have been with the Houston Texans for 6 seasons.

What does National Girls and Women in Sports Day mean to you?
It means advancement and opportunity. To me, it also means reflecting on where you've been and how far you've come. Recognize what you've achieved, and set new goals to accomplish!

What is a lesson you learned playing or working in sports that you still apply today?
Teamwork, Discipline and Mental Toughness. This profession isn't for the light hearted, and how you handle yourself in stressful and tough situations can inspire others. Also, the smallest details make the difference. No task is too small!

What advice do you have for girls and women seeking a career in sports?
Have thick skin. Don't give up, and don't get discouraged! Diversify your strengths, and don't be scared to learn something new. Try to learn something new every day! Put all of yourself into everything you do, create lasting relationships, and enjoy the journey.

Kandyace Mayberry | Senior Community Relations Manager

How many seasons have you been the with organization?
13 seasons

What does National Girls and Women in Sports Day mean to you?
It's a great way to highlight the role so many women play in such a male dominated field.

What is a lesson you learned playing or working in sports that you still apply today?
I've learned that women in sports are far and few between. So we must support, uplift and encourage each other.

What advice do you have for girls and women seeking a career in sports?
Meet every person, shake every hand. Networking is key to get your foot in the door. Being confident is a must to stay in the room.

Jasmine Butler | Senior Events & Marketing Coordinator

How many seasons have you been the organization?
If we are talking from when I started on Battle Red it's been 7 seasons and this will be my 8th. If we are taking out Battle Red then it's been 4 seasons and this will be my 5th.

What does National Girls and Women in Sports Day mean to you?
It means that we are celebrating girls and women involved in all facets of sports. It acknowledges the many accomplishments, hard work, and impact that we have had in the sports world.

What is a lesson you learned playing or working in sports that you still apply today?
I have learned that my opinion and contributions that I can bring to an organization matter. This is something I continue to learn and grow in as I work in sports. I have always thought that what I think especially in sports won't be good enough, but learn my worth and that my ideas can spark something great is worth sharing with my teammates.

What advice do you have for girls and women seeking a career in sports?
Never give up until you get where you want to be. I started at the bottom and had to work my way up to the position I'm in, but I never stopped pushing until I got here. Make connections with people and learn as much as you can from those around you.

Jennifer Davenport | Chief Marketing Officer

How many seasons have you been with the organization?
I've worked in sports since 2006 and the last 10 years with the Houston Texans.

What does National Girls and Women in Sports Day mean to you?
It's hard for me to imagine a sports organization not filled with women and their tremendous contributions. So for me, this day is a reminder that it hasn't always been that way and there are so many women who trail blazed and sacrificed that I am thankful for.

What is a lesson you learned playing or working in sports that you still apply today?
Because of my time playing sports, I think I'm more cognizant of how meaningful small progress can be. When you put in hard work and persevere, you're going to make progress. And even if it's a small step forward, the cumulative result over time will be so worth it!

What advice do you have for girls and women seeking a career in sports?
Build a network of colleagues and friends and don't be afraid to ask for their help. I am surrounded every day by women (and men!) who are invested in my success. If you have a WISE chapter (Women in Sports and Events) in your area, make sure you join and maximize your membership.

Jessica Schneider | Director of Season Ticket Member Services and Experience

How many seasons have you been with the organization?
This will be my 14th season.

What does National Girls and Women in Sports Day mean to you?
Women continue to breakdown barriers, and working in sports used to be one of those barriers we as women had to breakdown. I'm proud to celebrate all the women that continue to fight for what they love to do!

What is a lesson you learned playing or working in sports that you still apply today?
Winning as a team feels so much better than winning individually. Having great teammates makes the lows easier and highs so much better!

What advice do you have for girls and women seeking a career in sports?
Keep fighting. Fight for what you deserve and want, but do it professionally the whole way.

Roweena​ England | Director of Tax

How many seasons have you been with the organization?
This is my first year with the Houston Texans, although, I was with McNair Interests for 3 seasons.

What does National Girls and Women in Sports Day mean to you?
Honestly, I was not aware of the National Girls and Women In Sports Day so I looked it up. In a way, I have been unconsciously celebrating National Girls and Women in Sports Day by constantly encouraging my daughter to participate in various sports activities even if it is just to stay active and healthy. Supporting our daughter and her team during games and being present in their events help us form a stronger bond and at the same time, a great teachable moment and learning opportunity for both of us.

What is a lesson you learned playing or working in sports that you still apply today?
Attention to detail, being reliable and a team player will go a long way. I've come to realize that these things apply no matter where you work.

What advice do you have for girls and women seeking a career in sports?
Start networking early and always stay true to yourself; work with integrity and professionalism.

In honor of National Girls and Women in Sports Day, the Houston Texans organization would like to highlight a few of our incredible female Teammates!

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