Over 817,000 people follow the Houston Texans Twitter account, including fans, local and national media, non-NFL sports franchises and professional athletes, celebrities, astronauts, music artists, and more.
So, who are some of the more notable Texans Twitter followers?
Dallas Keuchel | @kidkeuchy | |
| Carlos Correa | @TeamCJCorrea |
| Tori Kelly | @ToriKelly |
| Simone Biles | @SimoneBiles |
| Booker T. Huffman | @BookerT5x |
| Carl Lewis | @CarlLewis |
| Bun B | @BunBTrillOG |
| Olivia | @1andonlyOlivia |
| Evander Holyfield | @holylfield |
| Brooke Adams | @RealBrookeAdams |
| HBO | @HBO |
| Mark Kelly | @ShuttleCDRKelly |
| Scott Kelly | @StationCDRKelly |
| Fallon Tonight | @FallonTonight |
| Melissa Joan Hart | @MelissaJoanHart |
| Frank Caliendo | @FrankCaliendo |
| Eli Young Band | @EliYoungBand |
| Daryl Morey | @dmorey |
| Harlem Globetrotters | @Globies |
| Paul Wall | @paulwallbaby |
| Vanilla Ice | @vanillaice |
| Brooklyn Nets | @BrooklynNets |
| Sacramento Kings | @SacramentoKings |
| LA Kings | @LAKings |
| Variety | @Variety |
| John Daly | @PGAJohnDaly |
| Lil Jon | @LilJon |
| Jimmy Butler | @JimmyButler |