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Practice quotes: Monday


Running back Marcel Shipp signed with the Texans and worked out with the team on Monday. Members of the team talked to the media after the practice.

Texans head coach Gary Kubiak

(on G Fred Weary going on the IR) "It's tough.I told the team this morning, he's (Weary) well thought of around here. He's been a warrior for this organization and he's done a great job for this football team for me since I've been here the last couple of years. We were all hoping that by this time he would be in a position to compete. He hasn't been able to. It's a very difficult injury. We'll do everything we can to get him healthy. No doubt in my mind that Fred will be back. It's just going to take some time."

(on G Fred Weary knowing that he's going to need time to come back) "Well, he (Weary) understands that. I think he did everything he can do. I think we all kind of thought it was going to come on a little bit quicker. We thought these screws could hold up, the way I understood it, and he could play a year with that and then get them taken out after the season. But, it was obvious that wasn't going to happen. So the best thing right now is for Fred - they got the screws out – to get him healthy. And I think hopefully here over the course of the next month or month and a half that maybe he gets to that point. So, we'll see."

(on not ruling out G Fred Weary) "No. One thing you know about Fred, if he can play, if he can get out there, then he'll go for you. So, I know how bad he's been hurting, but in fairness to him right now, it's a tough process and we're getting ready to finish up putting this football team together. We just want to make sure we get him well."

{QUOTE}(on the running back situation and if RB Ahman Green can play on opening day) "Well, we went two and a half weeks with him (Green) not missing a practice and him being the guy and then all of sudden he's out for a period of time here. We aren't just going to go back to one guy. We are going to work them all. We are going to see how it pans out amongst all of them. We may end up playing with two or three of those guys, by committee so-to-speak, if Ahman is not ready to go. I think the key is that we just keep pushing them. We'll get them all work and see who is going to step up and do the job."

(on what RB Ahman Green's situation is) "We knew he would be a good three weeks. It hasn't surprised me at all. I think he's doing well. I saw him running with (assistant strength coach) Ray (Wright) today. He has the strength, but he's not going to play this week and there's a darn good chance he doesn't play next week. So, we are trying to push him towards opening day and we'll see how we get there."

(on his hopes for RB Marcel Shipp) "Well, it's a tough situation because first off he's a good football player. He played very well in Arizona. He's a good special teams player, as well. Coming this late to a camp (is tough, but we'll watch him on the scout team, stuff he did today, assess our situation as we move forward and hopefully we can give him a chance to be competitive here before camp is over."

(on if he expect G Fred Weary to get back to the team) "Yes I do. I expect Fred to play in this league for a long time. I know he'll do what he has to do to get himself well. But in fairness to him, he's got to get healthy to play the way he's capable of playing. And I sure hope it's for us, but Fred will play in the National Football League for somebody, no doubt in my mind."

(on how much progress RB Steve Slaton has made) "We've asked a lot of him, young guy in a totally different system for him - what we do compared to what he did in college. He's progressed every day. He's got a lot of self confidence right now. I think he's starting to feel like, 'Hey, I can do this. I know I can contribute.' You can tell, the other night and you can watch him practice today. We'll just keep pushing him forward. I don't think you can ever know how far a rookie can go, but this one shows no sign of us needing to let up on him. So, we are going to push him."

(on the punt return situation) "Well, I'm going to give Jacoby (Jones) a chance to work out of this but at the same time our football team has to know what direction we are going. If somebody is back there putting the ball on the ground, so David (Anderson) is going to get a lot of work this week, and Andre (Davis). Between the three of those, they will handle those duties. But I'm giving Jacoby every chance I possibly can for him to work out of this and clean these mistakes up."

(on if WR Andre Johnson will play this week) "I think, as of today, yeah. We are going to count on him playing in the game. I think I said yesterday, he will have to be 110% for me to put him out there. All systems were go today, when we came in here on the turf we pulled him out."

(on T Duane Brown) "He's been playing really well. The fact that you don't know he's been out there tells you how well he's been playing. He's just going about his job. His growth process has been very good. I think he's going to see some real NFL ball this week with the speed and where we are going to play and the noise. It's a growing process for him, but the kid hasn't missed a day, doesn't say a word, just does his job and works. He's getting better everyday."

(on the environment Friday at Texas Stadium) "I thought the New Orleans environment for a preseason game was excellent. Normally, you don't get that much noise when you go on the road in the preseason. That was a good step forward for us; we handled it pretty good. There will be twice that this week; we know that just because of the nature of who we are playing. But that helps us get ready because that's what it will be opening week."

(on CB Jacques Reeves playing against his old team this week) "Well, I didn't think about that. I'm sure, anytime guys play against their old ball club, I'm sure it will be a very anxious time for him, but he's doing well. He got beat a couple times the other night. But, boy, he's playing hard and I like the way he fits in with our team and I think he's only going to get better."

(on the rivalry with the Cowboys) "I know being from Texas, I know how big of a deal that is. It doesn't seem like it falls all the time. It looks right now it's mostly in the preseason, but they've got a football team that's second to none, when you look at it right now. It's a great test for our football team to go down there and play them. They are special, when you look at them on field and (Cowboys head coach) Wade (Phillips) has a great ball club."

(on what needs to happen for the Texans to be ready for the regular season) "Well, we just have to stay on course. There is going to be areas of concern two weeks from now. That's not going to change. I think we are progressing, we had a good camp. We've been relatively healthy. We've taken steps forward in the preseason games. We'll get a big, big challenge this week, but ready or not, it's coming here in a few weeks. So, we're just going to keep pushing."

(on his concern or frustration with RB Ahman Green not being on the field) "It's disappointing, I don't know if I want to say I'm frustrated because I sit here and watch him work and watch how good of an offseason and training camp he had. For that to happen, I am encouraged by what he tells me. I think I've said that to you a couple of times. He tells me, 'Hey, listen, I'm fine. I'm going to be fine.' Last year, it wasn't like that. I think he knew that he had a problem that he couldn't get cleaned up in a short period of time. So, I'm going to stay positive on it. I see him working. We all know what he can do for our team and we'll try to keep a positive approach to it."

(on if he has ever wondered how important football is to Ahman Green) "No, I never worry about that. I got to know him basically through Sherm (Mike Sherman). This guy is one of the top backs that plays in this game. He's a worker and the way he takes care of himself; I've never thought about that. I just think that he's been doing it a long time. But he takes great care of his body and he's had a couple of freak situations and hopefully we get them over with and he stays healthy."

(on if he is concerned about RB Ahman Green not getting reps in the preseason) "Yes, that does concern me. But I also understand where we are at and what we have to do. It concerns me that Andre (Johnson) hasn't played in the first two games. I wish he was out there, but I also know what they are capable of and I know we need those guys. So, we are going to do the right thing."

General Manager Rick Smith

(on how many people the team are thinking about keeping in the offensive backfield) "We can't really know that at this point. The roster completion and the way that things shape out will happen over the next couple of weeks. Obviously, you've got some flexibility at the running back position, but you've got flexibility at the wideout position, the offensive line, so to know how our roster will shape out right now would be premature."

(on how difficult of a decision it was to put G Fred Weary on the IR) "Well, it was difficult. It was unfortunate because the guy has worked so hard, but at the end of the day, he just wasn't healthy enough to go out and compete. At some point, you have to move on, and that's what we decided to do today."

QB Matt Schaub

(on if he ever takes into account the fans hatred of the Cowboys) "I never really knew it was that bad until last year when I got here. This week last year in the preseason everyone was talking about it. Rivalry games are fun and there's a lot on the line, two cities instate, but we don't think about that too much. We know what's at stake, and we know how much it means to our team."

(on how the third week's game is like a dress rehearsal to the first game of the season) "It is. We prepare this week as if it was a regular in season week. Today, we started with our base stuff and what we normally do on a Wednesday. We treat it just like a game week to get ourselves ready for a normal week come week one."

RB Marcel Shipp
(on how it felt to practice) "It feels good to get back to football, basically. I'm just trying to make the team and contribute."

(on what kind of player can be for the Texans) "They are bringing another veteran on the team. It's my eighth season. I'm a special teams guy, an offensive guy. I can fit in pretty much wherever they need me at."

(on what it's like to being a Texans) "It's kind of different wearing a Texans' helmet, but I'm happy to be here. I want to contribute to the team and be a part of something."

RB Steve Slaton

(on how much he has improved from the beginning of training camp) "I think I've gotten a lot better. I've spent some time trying to work on what the coaches have been telling me about like the blitzes and everything. I think I'm doing a lot better."

(on what he thinks he still needs to improve upon) "Everything still. It's just my first year and it's only been a couple of months. So, I have a lot to work on."

(on the staff's confidence in him) "I'm happy about it. I've been working hard trying to gain their confidence."

(on what he thinks he can give to the team as a starter) "Just a lot of speed. I think that's the biggest asset of my game, and that's what I bring to the table."

(on if people label running backs like himself as a third down back) "I guess so but anybody can do it. I think it's just the mentality and how hard you work."

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