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Practice quotes: Wednesday


Linebacker Zac Diles leads the team in tackles with 66.

The Texans lost linebacker Zac Diles for the season when the second-year pro broke his leg during special teams practice. Members of the team talked to the media about the injury.

Head coach Gary Kubiak

(on how things look with QB Sage Rosenfels at practice) "He practiced well. Our team was very upbeat. As I told them this morning, he'll be leading us here forward. They did a great job last year and everybody around here is expecting him to do the exact same things this year. But the players are very upbeat and pushed hard today at practice."

(on if there is anything you do differently with QB Sage Rosenfels in instead of QB Matt Schaub) "No, it gets a little nerve-wrecking knowing that you have one guy and then the guy behind him hasn't been here. But that's also part of the situation. So, we have to go play. We have games to win. We can't change what we are as a football team and we have to give him an opportunity to lead us and our guys have to play well around him."

(on Zac Diles injury) "Well, it's very unfortunate. I'm you all know by now, but (LB) Zac Diles snapped his tibia early in practice today. He'll be gone for the year. He's at the hospital. He's going to have to have a rod inserted. They are going to try to get that done tonight. But we lost a kid that was becoming a great player. It's difficult on the football team to watch that today but we just wish him the best."

(on what happened to LB Zac Diles) "We were just in a drill working on; I think we were either on punt or punt return. Actually it was a half speed drill. Somehow he claims he kicked himself. I'll have to go back and look at it. I haven't seen the film yet. But, just a freak accident, but we all heard it. It was obvious that something bad had happened when he hit the ground."

(on who steps in for LB Zac Diles) "Well, (LB) Kevin Bentley will play but we plan on getting (LB Xavier) Adibi involved. Right now, (LB) Chuan (Thompson) has a little hamstring issue, he didn't practice today. So, through adversity comes opportunity. So, there's an opportunity for Kevin, an opportunity for Xavier. It's time for him to play, too."

(on bringing in QB Craig Nall) "I know a little bit about (QB) Craig (Nall) and I've had him here before. What we needed was, we needed somebody to come in and have some idea of what we were doing - some guy who has been around the game and in some tough situations from a standpoint of being with great quarterbacks and working with them. He's been with (Jets QB) Brett Favre. He's been in places, a tough-minded guy. (QB) Sage (Rosenfels) needs help just in preparation and support and we thought he would be the best fit. He came out there today and operated as if he didn't leave last year. So, we're encouraged about that."

{QUOTE}(on how key LB Zac Diles has been on defense so far this year) "He's as good a player as we have on defense. In the last month especially, he's been playing extremely well. There hasn't been a week that's go by probably that I haven't talked about him. He was becoming a heck of a player. So, its tough but the biggest disappointment was for the kid. When you're making that much progress and playing that well to see that happen is just disappointing."

(on anything new with QB Matt Schaub) "No, basically I pulled him out of the meetings to get him to rehab right away. So, he's strictly around the clock rehab right now. We know we're looking at a good two to three weeks and then we'll see what happens from there. But obviously he's not going to be ready to go for awhile."

(on how much different it is watching the Ravens now from watching film on them before the rescheduled Week 2 game) "It's almost like we're watching a little bit different group. Of course we were studying them from the preseason and from last year and they had a coaching change, a head coaching change, not a defensive coaching change. But our defense has definitely got a lot more things to worry about and then we as an offense have had a lot of time to see how good they are basically. They're as good a defense as there is in the league. I think they are two, behind Pittsburgh. So, we have our work cut out for us."

(on if Ravens CB Chris McAllister will play) "I don't know. I have no idea. I know he hasn't been active the last couple of weeks. So, I don't know."

(on running on the Ravens defense) "I think they're giving up 60 yards a game so we have a challenge ahead of us. They've been pretty darn good against the run, but they've been that way for a long time. I've went against this defense quite a few times over the course of the last 10 years. They've been special. Their team has been through some ups and downs, but their defense has never went away in that organization. If you play defense, then you're going to play well."

(on if RB Ahman Green is making progress) "He did practice today and worked with the offense, so that's progress, yes."

(on cutting DE N.D. Kalu) "I think a lot of (DE) N.D. (Kalu) and have a lot of respect for him, not only as a player but as a person. He's done a good job with our young players. We just got into a situation where we started playing some young guys. They responded, played well. So, there hasn't been many opportunities for him. It's not like he did anything wrong. We were heavy at d-line and with that issue, having to sign a quarterback, we had to go someplace. Now, we have another issue to fix today. So, we'll see where we go."

(on if LB Kevin Bentley will play outside and what he brings to the table) "Yeah, (LB) Kevin (Bentley) can play anywhere actually. Today we gave (LB) DeMeco (Ryans) a rest so he played Mike (middle linebacker). He played outside; a very smart player. He's played a lot of football in this league, just hasn't been a starter for a long time. But I expect him to go in there and play well. He's done a great job on special teams for us. He's played well and now it's an opportunity for him to be a starter."

(on if LB Xavier Adibi is ready to play) "Well, it's time for him to play, let's say that. He's been through a lot. We've had some issues with him medically, losing some weight and those types of things. We think we've worked through that. He's flashed in practice as a heck of a player and now it's time to go find out. So, let's sit here and keep our fingers crossed he has a good week and he's ready to go."

(on what he sees in Ravens QB Joe Flacco) "Very athletic kid. Can hurt you with his feet. A big, big arm. Reminds me of our two guys a lot. A lot like (QB) Matt (Schaub) and a lot like (QB) Sage(Rosenfels). I was very impressed with him in Indianapolis and how much football he knew for a small school player. So, (Ravens offensive coordinator) Cam's (Cameron) done a great job with him."

(on if Ravens QB Joe Flacco still looks like a rookie to him) "No, he's getting better each week. (Ravens offensive coordinator) Cam's (Cameron) asking him to do a lot. They are playing two quarterbacks. They're playing Troy also and doing some things. They're presenting a lot of problems for (defensive coordinator) Richard (Smith) and the defense. I'm going to have to worry about him all day long."

(on LS Brian Pittman) "No, we just know we have him this week. It's probably a week-to-week situation until we hear back from the league. But he's ready to go this week. We did bring in the other young man. We're going to get him ready, if the bad part is going to happen, if we are going to lose him, then we are going to be prepared for it."

(on what's been disappointing in the first half of the situation) "Well, obviously the first month was very poor. It was very difficult and put ourselves in a tough situation. We battled out of it and played some pretty good football, or got better, over the course of those three weeks. We had a big, big game last week that we were ready to play, but we didn't get it done. So, we're really about where we were last year. And even to take it further, we're in the same place quarterback-wise we were last year. Here we go, we have eight games. We're playing a lot of people that look like playoff teams in the second half of the season. So, if we want to get back in this thing we're going to get our chance because we're playing very good football teams."

(on which team was the real team, the first couple games or the last few games) "I don't know. Hopefully, we're heading towards being that team that played pretty consistently over the course of the last month. We got better, we protected the ball better. We played better defense. It's easy for me to sit here and say. We have to go do it as a football team. We understand the things that have been getting us beat and we also understand the things that help us win football games. So, hopefully we can get on the good side."

(on not having a bye week) "Well, this year has been a little different. Normally when you get to a bye week, you take time and step back and evaluate where you're at at the halfway point and all those things. Of course, we don't have that luxury this year, so we're having to do it in between preparing for another game each week. But I think we know what we're doing well on defense. We know the things we've done well on offense. We have to eliminate mistakes, and now we have to have some key players that haven't been playing step up and play like big-time players."

(on if he has talked to QB Sage Rosenfels about trying to not do too much) "No, I don't want to put a guy in that situation. I want him to go play. I want him to relax and go play. He's going to have to make plays for us to win. He understands some of the poor things we've done with the football. He knows that. But I need him to go out and make plays and make this team better like he did last year. If we make a mistake, I want him to move on and go make the next play. We need him to play well."

LB Kevin Bentley

(on what went through his mind when he saw LB Zac Diles go down) "First, my heart went out to the kid. That's really what I was thinking the whole time. I wasn't really thinking, 'Now you've got to step up.' It's more that I was thinking, 'It sucks for him right now, because he's been playing really good football.'"

(on playing inside and outside linebacker and if he has a preference) "You know, it really doesn't matter. That's what they brought me here to do is to be ready if one of these guys went down, and I've got to step in and fill his shoes and make it where we don't miss a beat."

(on if he saw LB Zac Diles get hurt) "I did not see it happen."

(on if LB Zac Diles' non-contact makes him stop and wonder) "Well, you do. It's funny because you've seen a lot of that lately – a guy's running full speed, boom, his ACL goes or something. It's just a freak game, and that's why it's a man's game, to be honest."

(on how ready he is since he hasn't played full-time this season) "I'm always ready. Pretty much, the last few years, this has been my role. I've done it in Seattle the last few years, and I'm ready. I don't know what else to tell you besides I'm ready."

(on if he filled in for injured players in Seattle) "Yeah, I stepped in for Julian (Peterson). I stepped in for Leroy (Hill). I stepped in for Lofa (Tatupu). I was the fourth guy in Seattle. If one of those went down, I had to play."

(on if he played for all of them at one time or another) "Yeah. I started a few games in Seattle every year because somebody was banged up or went down."

(on if it's hard to learn all three linebacker positions) "You've got to do a little more studying, but the way I learn is I study as a Mike because I feel the Mike is like a quarterback and he has to know everything anyway. So I study as a Mike and, pretty much, I can tell you where all 11 line up and where they're supposed to go."

(on if it feels different now to be "the guy") "You know, I don't think it's any different because when we go out there (in practice) and they say '2's Up' or '1's Up', I always say '1A' because it's a mindset. To be honest, it really is. It's a mindset, and I always prepare as a starter whether I take one rep or I don't take any reps or I play the whole game. I always prepare as a starter because one play, you're the starter. It's not, 'You're a 2' or 'You were scout team all week' or 'You're this.' No, you're the guy, so you've got to be ready, and that's how I've always prepared."

(on how much he has played this season on defense) "I played a few snaps for DeMeco (Ryans)."

(on if he has spelled LB Zac Diles at all) "No, not since the preseason. In Jacksonville, I had a few plays for DeMeco when he got banged up and he came back."

(on if this is a chance for him to shed his backup label) "You know, it is and it isn't. I don't really look at it that way. They brought me in here to do a job, whether it was to be a starter, whether it was to shine on special teams, and that's what I'm going to do. I can't say, 'Well, I'm the guy,' because I don't know what's going to happen from week to week. I don't know what's going to happen next year. All I can do is prepare every week like I'm the guy, which I've done since I've been here. I've done pretty much my whole career."

(on if he knew LB Zac Diles would be the starter when he signed with the Texans this yare) "No, I didn't know that. When we came here, it was a toss-up. So again, all you can do is come out here and prepare and be ready for whatever situation's thrown at you."

(on if he was disappointed he didn't win the starting job) "Obviously, you want to be a starter and you're disappointed, but at the same time I think I've done just as much on special teams as I would've on defense. Just because I'm not the starter doesn't mean I can't help the team win. And now, here we are again. Now, I've got to be ready to play."

(on if this will change his role on special teams) "I hope it doesn't change at all. I don't want to come off special teams. I feel like I can do both – I can play defense and I can play special teams. I feel like I'm the leader of that group and those guys kind of look to me to be ready to play and I don't want them to lose that, and I don't want to lose that."

(on if that has been discussed yet) "It hasn't, and I don't know what's going to be discussed. If it's my decision, I don't come off the field, to be honest. It's kind of hard. I don't want to say I'm a special teams player, but I'm a special teams player – until I'm the starter."

(on if he likes playing special teams) "I love playing teams. I think it's the ultimate definition of our game. Special teams is way harder to play than offense and defense, in my opinion. You're playing a 100-yard field every play. You're running 50, 60 yards with a guy trying to beat you up or you're trying to beat him up, so I don't want to come off special teams."

(on being able to help LB DeMeco Ryans on the field) "It really will, especially given we're both Mikes so we're both vocal and we know all the calls and all the checks. Even today, I'm playing outside but I'm still making a lot of checks from the outside, which in turn hopefully just helps DeMeco and it maybe takes some things off of his plate so he can play a little faster."

LT Duane Brown

(on how long has he watched LB Ray Lewis) "Oh man, since he (LB Ray Lewis) got into the league I guess. Yeah, a long time. You grow up watching guys like that and those are they guys that make you want to play in the NFL, just the passion they have for the game and the talent they have. Now, just being at this stage and facing a guy like that, it means a lot."

(on if LB Ray Lewis is intimidating) "I don't think so. Being an offensive lineman, you can't be intimidated by too many people."

(on if LB Ray Lewis' reputation is intimidating) "Oh yeah. Him as a person out on the field, he runs that defense that they have and he's heard all across the field. He runs sideline to sideline and he makes plays outside the tackles. So, you definitely have to respect him, but as far as intimidation, no."

(on if the offense has a head start on studying them since they did before Hurricane Ike) "Definitely. We had a pretty good game plan up until that point because it was almost game day before that happened. We definitely have a lead on them and what they try to do and what they try to bring to the table. We've faced 3-4 teams before, so we pretty much have a good game plan going into this week."

(on how it makes him feel to have QB Sage Rosenfels as the starter) "It's one of those things I guess. It really hurt me in my heart to see (QB) Matt (Schaub) being out for that long. Having (QB) Sage (Rosenfels) step in and having another guy come in here, it's just one of those things I guess."

(on if he feels like he has to be more protective than ever because of the situation) "Definitely. When you get a quarterback hurt, as an offensive lineman, that's the last thing that you want to see. So, me personally, that raised my standard of what I have to do and how I have to perform. I've got to try to keep the quarterback as clean as possible. So, as it goes for my linemates, they feel the same way."

(on if it means anything to him that DE Jared Allen apologized to QB Matt Schaub after the game for the hit) "It's hard to tell what a guys intentions are. Playing against him the whole game, I can't that I think it was intentional. When you going after a guy, you can't really help where you fall at, but then again, you never know. Some guys want to get that guy out of the game just to make it that much harder for us. So, I don't think he meant to do it on purpose though."

DT Tim Bulman

(on the play that LB Zac Diles got hurt on) "I heard, just like a pop. I just looked back and I saw Zac on the ground and everybody was concerned and crowded around him. No one ever wants to see that, especially with a good player and a good teammate like Zac."

(on what happened on the play) "I have no clue; my back was to the play. I just heard it and kind of heard everyone's reactions, so I kind of got the end tail of it."

(on if LB Zac Diles and QB Matt Schaub being out effects the team psyche) "I mean, just losing a player like Zac and Matt, of course you want them on your team and you want them playing, but as you learn becoming older in this league, that's how people get opportunities. That's how other players are born. But people do have to step up and that's why you have depth and that's why you have backups. So they can stay on their game every week and they can step to the plate when their number is called. Unfortunate as it is, that's a lot of the time how people get their chances."

(on what he has seen from Ravens QB Joe Flacco) "Strong arm. He's a tall kid. He can run the ball. He's a rookie. He's a rookie quarterback, so he has a lot on his plate. But he's made some plays and he's a starting quarterback. So, there's something to say about a rookie coming in and starting, especially a quarterback."

(on how you can rattle QB Joe Flacco) "I think any quarterback gets rattled with pressure in his face, getting to him, frustrating him. I mean, I think that's the key to getting any quarterback off his game."

TE Owen Daniels

(on if lining up against LB Ray Lewis makes him look forward to the game) "Well, they have a bunch of good linebackers, not just him. I think it will be full just because he's one of the best that's ever played the position. To be able to play against a guy like that, I haven't been able to play against him yet, so it should be a tough experience, but it's one I'm looking forward to."

(on what special problems the 3-4 defense causes) "I think with most 3-4 teams, they have special guys on the edge that can really cause some disruption. They have two guys that do a really good job and one guy, (LB Terrell) Suggs, who's doing some special things this year. So, we have to get back to our 3-4 game plans and what we've been doing. We've had some exposure to that this year, so hopefully the transition form the 4-3 to the 3-4 will be a little bit clearer this week."

(on if switching to the backup quarterback will cause any problems) "I don't think so at all just because he's played so much around here. We've seen him a good amount this year already. We feel great with him back there, and I think he's going to do a really good job for us."

(on if there is a sense that you can't lose this quarterback since you don't have many more) "I don't think we think about that really. I think, maybe during practice during the week, we try to keep guys even more so away from the quarterback just so nothing crazy happens. We just try to protect him as well as we can week-to-week, and hopefully we can keep (QB) Sage (Rosenfels) clean."

(on if you just consciously think about turnovers during the week to try to stop the turnover problem) "I think that's all you can really do. You can do some drills. But even then, when you're doing turnover drills, you know its coming and you can kind of prepare for that. I think it just comes down to protecting the ball and making better decisions with it and being smart with the ball when we have an opportunity to get points. I think the biggest thing for us, we've killed ourselves with the turnovers. Not turning it over in the middle of the field, but turning it over going in to score when it could really change the game around. So, that's a huge statistic when you look at games and we just have to clean that part of our game up."

(on if a team can caught up in thinking about turnovers too much) "Yeah, I think so because you want to be able to just go play and play your game. I think we just have to maybe just get into a little streak of having a couple games with no turnovers and we'll feel really good about what we're doing and hopefully we'll continue that."

S Will Demps

(on LB Zac Diles going down) "It's a terrible loss. (LB) Zac (Diles) was having a great season. It was a freak accident during special teams—say walkthrough or what not. It's a tough loss, but anytime you deal with adversity, there's always an opportunity for the next guy to step up."

(on people hearing the injury to LB Zac Diles) "Oh, yeah. I was right there and I heard it. It was really loud. It seemed like someone just snapped like a brick. It was a pretty loud sound. You don't wish that upon anybody."

(on what happened exactly to LB Zac Diles) "I don't really even know what happened. I just know there was a big scream and a big pop and then all of the sudden he just fell down and you could just tell—you knew it was bad."

(on if it is horrifying to see that happen) "Yeah, you put perspective on life. Besides all that, it is someone that you work with, but it's just part of the game. To see that happen, it just kind of shines a light back on what we saw with (WR) Harry Williams in Dallas and kind of reflects on that when you see a wounded soldier go down like that. You don't wish that upon anybody. Our prayers and thoughts go out to him and his family. You definitely don't want to see that, especially at the start of this week and in practice just kind of have that awe throughout the whole practice, but we've got to pick up and move forward."

(on LB Zac Diles' injury being non-contact) "Yeah, it was non-contact. So, that's why it's a freak accident. You would think something like that would happen in a big collision in tackle football, but it was just one of those ones where you're running down field and just happens."

(on the running game of Baltimore) "It's a physical game. Anytime NFC North, they're going to bring that physical game to us. You've got to be prepared and understand the tackle and understand you've got fits. We've just got to be prepared for a physical game."

(on QB Joe Flacco) "(QB Joe Flacco) He's done a great job. He was AFC Player of the Week I guess. He's managed the game well. (Offensive coordinator Cam) Cameron's put him in situations where he's not going to turn the ball over and let the defense win the game for you. They've done a great job with that."

RB Ahman Green

(on what he did today) "I came out there and was limited last week and couldn't do much because of the groin. It's just more of a day-to-day thing. It gets a little bit better everyday. I just know I've got to try to be out there and want to be out there. So far, it's going good. So, I'm excited about that because this is going to be an aggressive defense we're going to play against on Sunday."

(on how much it bothers him to not be out there) "Last year, it bothered me and it's going to bother me, but I know (there's) really nothing I can do about being injured. No football player or no athlete can. We've just got to basically work through it and get our treatment and get our rehab and do whatever we need to do to get ourselves back on the field. Right now, I've been doing that and feeling pretty good."

(on if he knows if he'll play Sunday) "I feel pretty good today. So, like I said, I'm excited about Sunday because I know I can help out this team in a positive way."

(on the importance of picking up the blitz from this team) "Yeah, because they're tied with Pittsburgh for number one defense in the league. They blitz the run. They blitz the pass. They've got aggressive guys. They've got physical guys. They've got big guys that can do the things they want to do as a defense. Mentally, I'm going to be ready and our offense is all going to be ready to know that they're going to be basically sending the house."

(on how often he has gone against LB Ray Lewis) "Not too often."

(on if he has gone against LB Ray Lewis) "Yeah, I've gone against him."

(on what it's like going against LB Ray Lewis) "Actually, the one year I do remember playing them during the regular season was the year after they won the Super Bowl. They came to Lambeau and we knew what type of defense they had. I don't think as a team we had over a hundred yards rushing, but we were effective. I think I had sixty myself. We won the game, but it was a grind it out game. We knew that going into it, just like we know it this week. When I say he, (LB) Ray (Lewis), he has his defense prepared. You can tell by film how aggressive they are and how talented they are."

(on if LB Ray Lewis is still as good as he ever was) "Yeah, because now, he is wiser up top. You can see him think a little more and kind of get to the play to where it's going before the player that he's tackling is actually knowing what he's doing himself. Ray's already there meeting him in the hole or meeting him in the route."

(on if the defense will be more aggressive to get QB Sage Rosenfels out of the game so the backup can come in) "I don't know. I don't know what their philosophy is. I know whatever they're using they're doing a good job at it. I don't know if they're looking at it as that in terms of taking somebody out on our team, but I just know they're going to play their defense. We've got to play our offense and protect the quarterback and be effective in the running game so we don't have to worry about that stuff."

WR Andre Johnson

(on QB Matt Schaub going down with an injury) "You pretty much just hate to see any of your teammates get injured. I can understand what he's going through. I was in that position last year. When I saw the brace on his leg, I already knew what type of injury it was because I had that same brace on when I hurt my leg. I hope he has a speedy recovery so he can get back out on the field."

(on how difficult it is to get injured like that and then get back on to the field) "It's difficult because when you're in that brace and then you take your leg out of it; it's hard to bend your knee and things like that. So, you have to learn how to do all those things over because your knee gets real stiff and you have to get the range of motion back. So, you have to do a lot of rehab and things like that."

(on QB Sage Rosenfels taking over at quarterback) "I think (QB) Sage (Rosenfels) is going to do well for us. He came in last season and helped us out. He's played games this season. He's come in and played well. So, like I said, we feel comfortable with both quarterbacks. I don't think we'll miss a beat."

(on if it changes much having QB Sage Rosenfels back there instead of QB Matt Schaub) "No, not at all."

C Chris Myers

(on QB Sage Rosenfels being a backup) "Yeah, but you don't consider (QB) Sage (Rosenfels) a backup. You consider him a starter that comes in behind another starter. We look at it as if we have two starters on our team. We're pretty lucky for that. Not many team can say that, that they have two great starting quarterbacks to be able to get the win anytime."

(on if he feels like he has to be more protective of the quarterback than ever) "Yeah, you do, but you don't go in there looking at that. You've got to go in there and play your game. If you think about it any other way, you're going to go in there and make mistakes and not do what you have to do. So, you've just got to go in there and play football.'

(on if going below the knees is like a no-no) "Going below the knee is kind of a no-no. It's been reprimanded a lot this year around the league. It happened a couple of times and whether or not it gets called on for him—I don't know, has it been called yet? I don't know if it has yet. It's just one of those things that they're trying to protect the quarterbacks. Whether it's dirty or not, certain guys this season have gone a little bit extra, but certain guys get pushed into them and certain guys don't mean to. So, it's an iffy call here and there. That's why sometimes it doesn't get called in the game, but they get fined for it. We'll see what happens with (DE) Jared (Allen), but from my perspective being an offensive lineman, yeah, I hate it. I hate them going low on the quarterback, but I understand that we're playing football and it's a rough sport and you lose your balance sometimes and offensive lineman may push you sometimes."

(on how much different it is to block for QB Sage Rosenfels) "None. None. I don't notice a difference in who's back there. I was saying before that we're lucky to have two guys that could be starters in this league. We don't view (QB) Sage (Rosenfels) as a backup. We just view him as the next guy in line. If (QB) Matt (Schaub) can't go, Sage is going to go. If Sage can't go, Matt is going to go. That's the way it is around here."

(on trying to run against this Baltimore defense) "Same thing as every week, 3-4 defense, another 3-4 defense we have to face. We've done it a lot this year and in preseason, too. They're at the top of their game right now. They're as good as they have since they won that World Championship. We're going to have a gut check this game. So, it's going to be fun."

(on if he has played against LB Ray Lewis) "No, I have not personally. No."

(on him not knowing the atmosphere of when LB Ray Lewis is playing) "No, I've heard from plenty of guys who've been around the league. I've heard from plenty of my old teammates out in Denver and here in Houston. It's definitely no joke. You've got to go out and bring your lunch pale every single play."

DT Amobi Okoye

(on LB Zac Diles going down to an injury) "It's so unfortunate. I was on the bike, riding the bike watching him practice and I just saw him go down one time. It was just a real freaky accident. I can't wait to get to talk to him and give him all of the comfort I can give him as a player and as a friend. He and I came in together, like you said, and for a guy that was having such a great year too, to go down like that - but like my mom always told me, 'God has a reason for everything.' So, hopefully there's a reason for this one."

(on how does the team pick it up with LB Zac Diles going down) "That linebacking crew, each and everyone of those guys can play any Sunday. So, (LB) Kevin (Bentley) and (LB) Xavier (Adibi), all of those guys are going to step up. So, I don't have any questions with the people that are coming in."

QB Sage Rosenfels

(on how good it feels to be with the number ones) "It feels good to be out there and to get all of those reps during practice and all of that stuff. But I tell you what, it's not an easy week to prepare for. It's probably the most confusing, difficult defense to prepare for as a quarterback in the league. And I've been in the league for eight years and I've seen a few things, and this is as tough as it gets preparing for these guys mentally. But physically, there's as good as any team man for man in the league. So, it's a tough week for us offensively."

(on what Baltimore does that's so confusing) "They probably run every blitz and every coverage that's ever been in the NFL in history from every front. They don't just stand there and say, 'We're better than you.' They've got great players and they just do it all. It's hard to put a finger on what exactly their doing sometimes. They're just all over the place and they blitz from everywhere and on top of that, they've got great players. So, it's a great defense, and there's a reason why their number one in the league."

(on what the offense has to do) "What we're going to have to do is weather the storm and try to make as few mistakes as possible and play a good solid four-quarter football game and see what happens at the end."

(on how much it helps that all of the team has his back) "Well, it does help. I think that you're always trying to prove stuff to everybody, but most importantly try to prove things to your teammates. It is a good feeling to know that these guys have a lot of support in me from how I've played since I've been here from two years ago and what I did last year. So, I just have to keep playing solid football and play smart and lead these guys because I think everyone has both confidence in both (QB) Matt (Schaub) and myself."

(on how does he turn around the ball security issues) "Basically every play I'm up there, I'm going to be wary of trying to be as smart as possible with the ball. That might be taking some sacks this week and that might be throwing the ball away ,and that's just going to be fine. Punting is not a sin, and usually if you end a game with all kicks at the end of the possession whether that be field goals, extra points or punts a lot of times you win those games. That's my goal for this week."

(on if he is ready to show that he is the guy who played the first 56 minutes of the Colts game and not the guy who played the last four) "Sure. I feel like I've played pretty well for 95 percent of the time for this year in that game and then last week. But a winning quarterback in this league plays good for the entire game, and that's what I have to do this week."

(on how much different it is to be the number one guy and get most of the reps in practice this week) "Well, it just helps to get those reps in practice. There's a big difference between sitting in that meeting room or out there practicing watching (QB) Matt (Schaub) doing it or watching what we think is going to happen, but actually being there and doing it, especially with the blitzes this week, it helps to be out there."

(on if it helps him relax and let the game to come to him knowing that he will be the starter for more than just one week) "I don't know. I'm just going to go out there and try to execute as best I can our game plan and try to play as smart as possible and do my best not to turn the ball over and do my best to execute and hit the guys that are open. That's what I try to do every week. I don't try to look at who's behind me or what the situation is down the road. All I can really worry about is trying to do my best against the Baltimore Ravens this week."

(on what comes to mind when he watches LB Ray Lewis on film) "He's (LB Ray Lewis) got it all. He's still very physically gifted. His intensity is pretty impressive over there. The way you can tell after he can tell after he makes a tackle, the way he gets guys fired up. He's got great intensity and still physically; he's as good as there is. Obviously, he's as smart as there is in the league at that position. He's still as good as he was seven or eight years ago when he was the premier defensive player in the league."

(on the Baltimore defensive line) "This team is, not only are the guys physically gifted, everyone knows (LB) Terrell Suggs is an amazing athlete. Everyone knows that (LB) Ray Lewis is a great athlete. (S) Ed Reed is a great athlete. They've got a couple of big guys inside, for how big they are, are great athletes. So, really the tough part about this week compared to last week, is last week they had a great defense as far as everyone individually being great athletes and great players, this week not only do they have that, but their scheme is really confusing. So, it's sort of doubly tough this week. But, do I think we can do it this week, yes we can."

(on the Ravens having a bounty on his head this week) "I hope they don't have a bounty on my head. That would be tough. I'm not in there locker room. We don't have any bounties on their heads. I know that."

(on what it is like to get this chance to show people he do this) "Number one, it is about winning. That's the most important thing I can do for this football team and for myself is to go out there and win the football game, and the best way for me to do that is by me playing great football. So, if we go out there and win, it doesn't really matter how I play. So, that's all I really, really care about."

LB DeMeco Ryans

(on his thoughts on LB Zac Diles) "It's very unfortunate and very unfortunate that it happened to (LB) Zac (Diles). He was having a tremendous year. He was playing great for us, and we're losing a good player. We're going to have to have someone step up and fill his shoes. He was playing every down, a base and nickel guy. He was just overall playing great. It was great to see him come along as a player and watching him grow as a player. It was good to see, but for him to have this major setback, it hurts as a player. It hurts the whole team. Sadly today, before we started practice, for him to go down like that during special teams period, it was tough on everyone just to keep going through practice."

(on if he feels like he has to be more of a coach on the field now with LB Zac Diles being out) "Not more because we have a veteran guy like (LB Kevin) Bentley who's going to step in and fill his shoes and a guy like (LB) Morlon (Greenwood) who will step in on third down. Guys that have been there before and been there and done that. So, that's some older guys that are going to step in for him."

(on if LB Xavier Adibi plays if there is more responsibility for him because Xavier has never played) "I'm going to have to talk a lot more with (LB) Xavier (Adibi) being in there, but I think it will be good to see Xavier get in there and get some reps."

(on what does LB Kevin Bentley bring to the table) "(LB Kevin) Bentley does a good job of recognizing plays and formations. He does a good job of talking out there on the field. He's like having another coach out there on the field because he's going to alert you of so many things. That's why he's been around. That's why he's such a good player because Bentley understands the game."

(on what he thinks about Baltimore) "Baltimore, they're a good team. They're going to come in and run the ball. They do a lot of different things, lot of different things, lot of unbalance, a lot of unconventional type of things with their offense, but it's working for them. We have our hands full with lining up against all of those formations that they present us with. We're going to have to line up and defend them."

QB Matt Schaub

(on his injury) "Well, obviously it's my knee. It's pretty sore and tight right now but something that needs to heal and have some time to heal. So, I'm just going to take it one day at a time and just do the best we can to keep it protected and at the same time get it moving and get it strong again."

(on the specifics of his injury) "I just know the same as coach knows. The doctors have said it's an MCL issue and they drained a lot of fluid out of my knee the other day from the swelling. So, it's just something that needs to recover and it needs some time."

(on if there is anything else to do other than let time heal it) "Well, just doing everything that the docs and the trainers say. Let the MCL heal because it's something that will heal on its own. But you don't want to put too much pressure on it and move it too much. It's just letting the natural causes of healing take place. So, just let that happen and just start moving and get strong again."

(on if being out two to four weeks is still realistic) "As soon as I can get out there. It's just a matter of how long it takes to heal and when I can do what I do out on the field and drop back and move around and play the game."

(on if it's frustrating to go down with another injury) "Without a doubt. I felt like I was starting to play really well and things were starting to come together for us. To do down with an injury, it's very frustrating but its part of the game and it's something that I have to deal with."

(on if he has watched the play he got hurt on) "I saw it the other day. I kind of didn't watch the whole thing as it unfolded or took place, but it's not something I want to think about. I just want to move forward from here."

(on if he thinks it was a cheap play) "Well, I think it was. The ball was already gone and a player went for my leg, which isn't what they are supposed to be doing. So, that's all I can say."

(on QB Sage Rosenfels stepping in for him) "Definitely. Sage has played well when he's been in there. So, it's a good opportunity for him and one that I believe he'll take advantage of. He's played well when he's been in there so as a team we need him to go in there and do the same."

(on what steps they are playing to address the injuries) "We can just keep playing; that's all we can do. We can't get too caught up in the other stuff. We just have to keep moving forward and keep working to get better."

RB Steve Slaton

(on running against the Ravens defense) "You just have to take what they give you. They don't really give up to much but you have to keep pressing and rely on the run game."

(on the team relying on him to run the ball) "I think it's going to take an effort by the whole running back group. With these guys, they attack well."

(on if it helps him get in his rhythm when he's out there catching passes also) "I think it eases up the defense a little bit because then they don't know what to expect because they don't know if I'm going to catch the ball or run the ball. It's giving them different looks."

(on week after week of seeing great defenses) "That's what I knew I was going to come into. Unlike college, the NFL just picks the best of the best; pick who they want."

(on what he thinks about Ravens LB Ray Lewis) "He's a man. He's definitely a man, I think. He's a leader of their defense and he has been for so long. He's going to be one of the guys I'm going to have to look out for."

(on all the Ravens' defensive stars) "It's definitely a defensive team. They are pretty stacked on all levels."

(on the Ravens defense being so good making turnovers even bigger) "It shows in all our losses. Whenever we turn the ball over it's not in our favor. So, we just have to keep the ball under control."

(on how he feels after playing 69 plays last week) "I feel good. We'll see if I can do it again. I feel like I could do it again, but I have a great running back group behind me. So, maybe we can share some."

(on his thoughts on the quarterback) "I think we have a great leader now. (QB) Matt's (Schaub) a great leader and (QB) Sage (Rosenfels) is a good leader. I think Sage is going to come in and do a good job just like he did last year."

(on if he knows Ravens RB Ray Rice) "Yeah, I played against him three times when I was at West Virginia. He's a real good dude. He's a real tough guy. He's a real work horse."

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