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Quotes: The day after


Head Coach Bill O'Brien** T Duane Brown
QB Thad Lewis
C Chris Myers

Head Coach Bill O'Brien
(opening statement) "An update on our quarterback situation, Ryan Fitzpatrick will be out. Suffered a broken tibia yesterday on that play, had surgery this morning and it well, but obviously he'll be placed on injured reserve. Tom Savage will be out for the Baltimore game, maybe out for more than that, but will definitely be out for the Baltimore game. So we signed Case Keenum, brought Case in here. He was on the St. Louis practice squad. Obviously he was with us last year, was with us earlier this year, was with us for quite a bit of time (with) this staff. We welcome him back—and Thad Lewis also, who's been here for the past few weeks. We'll make a decision as we go through the week here on who will start the game against Baltimore. That's an update on the quarterback situation."

(on if he's seen enough out of QB Thad Lewis to know if he's prepared to start) "I think it's tough. I think he's done a really good job. Let me say that he's come in here and worked really hard. We've been going at this with these guys for a long time and he just came on the scene a couple weeks ago. Anytime you're in to this situation where you're trying to learn a new system, that's not an easy thing to do. He's done a very, very good job of coming in here and learning it and getting reps in practice. If he were to play, obviously that would be something that we haven't decided yet. But if he were to play, we would have the confidence that he could go in there and perform."

(on if the team needs to sign a third quarterback) "I don't think we're going to do that right now. We're thinking about the practice squad as it relates to quarterbacks, but not on the 53."

(on how hard it is to have all of these injuries at quarterback at a critical part of the season) "That's the NFL though. That's the NFL. We just had a good team meeting this morning, or excuse me, at noon. We're excited about this week. We're going to put a good gameplan together. We know we have a very difficult challenge in Baltimore coming in here. It's a home game. We need our crowd behind us. We're looking forward to playing at home and we're looking forward to the challenge. That's the NFL, injuries happen. Next guy has to step up whether the next guy is in the building at the time or maybe he's not at the building, but the next guy has to step up and be ready to go. That's professional football."

(on the advantages that QB Case Keenum has from being in the system during training camp) "I think there are advantages to him having been with us. He was with us for a good amount of time. He was with us when we installed the offense when we first got here. He was with us in training camp. He played in some games there in the preseason. I think there is a definite advantage there, and he's a very bright guy. He's got good recall. He and I had a really good conversation on the phone last night. He's here today. And like I said, we welcome him back and we're looking forward to him."

(on why team didn't sign QB Case Keenum when QB Ryan Mallett was placed on injured reserve) "I think at that time basically we looked at it. I had some history with Thad (Lewis) also. Just kind of looking at the whole list of guys out there, we just decided that was at that time the decision that was best for our team at that time."

(on if he's had any contact with QB Case Keenum this season) "Last night. No, last night would be the first. Last night would be the first contact."

(on if he's ever been in a situation where he had this many quarterback injuries late in the season) "No. I haven't. I've been in a lot of situations, but this is one where we've lost some guys here with (Ryan) Mallett, Fitz (Ryan Fitzpatrick) and then Tom (Savage). Like I said, that's professional football and the next guy's got to step up whether that's Case (Keenum) or Thad (Lewis). We've got confidence that one of those guys, when we make the decision, those guys will step up and play well."

(on how the reps for the quarterbacks will be divided throughout the week) "I think we'll look at it. I think we'll do a good job of like you said of dividing the reps up as we go through the week. Wednesday and Thursday practices will be as they normally are, fairly long practices as far as the amount of reps we'll give in team periods and things like that. We'll do a good job of making sure that we take a good look at it."

(on his thoughts on QB Thad Lewis up to this point) "Like I said before, I think the guy's come in here and worked hard. He's a smart guy. He's a good teammate. The reps that he's been able to get in practice, he's done a decent job with it. It's tough. It's a tough situation to come in that late in the season and learn the whole offense. It's virtually impossible to do that. So we'll see how he does this week."

(on how well the defense played vs. Indianapolis) "Yeah, they played well. They obviously scored a touchdown on defense, forced another fumble, so leading the league in takeaways. I mean, there are always things that you can clean up in certain areas, but overall they did a great job. I think they held them to, whatever it was, 20 percent or less on third down. They just played a really good football game. We just didn't do enough offensively to win the


(on how difficult it will be for QB Case Keenum to recall the offensive system after learning a new one in St. Louis) "I don't think that's easy, but I think that when he had been in our system- it wasn't that long ago that he had been in our system. I think he'll have a chance to come in here and soon as he kind of sees a lot of the things that were doing, which are very similar to what we did when he was here before, I think he'll be able to pick it up just because he's a bright guy. He's got a good memory. You can tell already just from being around him this afternoon. We gave him some things to look at last night. He's got very good memory."

(on if ILB Brian Cushing is still dealing with pain after playing only 28 plays) "No, I think it's more about what the game plan called for at that time. I thought he went in there and did some good things. He blitzed Andrew (Luck) and got a couple hits on him. I thought he did a really good job for the time that he was in there."

(on the play of RB Arian Foster vs. Indianapolis) "He played a tough football game. He ran for tough yards. He had a couple runs there where he did a lot of it on his own. Then he had some runs that were very well blocked for him. I think that's the big thing moving forward into this week. We have to be more consistent in our run game blocking. Both from the fullback position, obviously the offensive line, and from the tight end position. We just have to be more consistent in how we block the run, but Arian ran very, very hard and very tough yesterday."

(on if WR Andre Johnson will be back for Sunday's game) "You know, it looks like we would. I think he feels better today. Looks like we would have Andre Johnson back for Sunday."

(on talking to QB Case Keenum last night) "He was on the practice squad. Actually, it might have been more like this morning, but we touched base and had a good conversation."

(on if he worries about overloading QBs Case Keenum and Thad Lewis with information) "We're not going to overload them. I mean, that would be crazy."

(on if he needs to make sure the quarterbacks are only running what they are comfortable with) "Yeah, that's what we're going to do."

(on when he will make a decision about the starting quarterback) "I think we'll probably make that determination fairly early in the week."

(on the most important thing he wants to see from his team the next two weeks) "This team is going to go out there and play hard. This team is going to compete and were going to play to win. That's what we're going to do regardless of who is playing what positon. I have no doubt about that. We're going to go into our meetings on Wednesday morning. We had a good meeting today, Monday, you know our normal Monday meetings. We're going to go in on Wednesday, put a good game plan together for these guys, go out and practice hard, and get ready to go. Get ready to play."

(on the importance of Quarterbacks Coach George Godsey and whether he will be working 24/7) "He's 24/7. We all are. Everybody's important."

(on if he has a problem with the way the Colts tackled Ryan Fitzpatrick when he got injured) "No."

T Duane Brown
(on if there is any positives he can take away from yesterday's game) "Just continuing to show the kind of toughness that we have as a team, fighting through adversity to keep ourselves in the ball game and have a chance to win it. It just shows the kind of resiliency we have. I mean, that's the bottom line. The only thing you can take away from it. It's still a big loss. We put a lot of work into that game throughout the week and we had high expectations, and we didn't perform to the level that we thought we were capable of. We fought hard, and that's about the only thing we can take away from it."

(on QB Tom Savage's demeanor when he entered the game) "I think he was nervous and that was to be expected. That was a big time game. It was a very, very loud environment. A defense that gives a lot of different looks. It was to be expected, like I said. But I think he settled in pretty quickly. It didn't look like he was overwhelmed or anything like that."

(on if he sits back and think that there have been some crazy things happening at the quarterback position) "It's part of football. Injuries happen. It's unfortunate and I really feel for the guys that have suffered those injuries. It sucks. It sucks, but as a professional athlete, professional player in this league, you always have to be ready to go. No matter what, where you are located on a depth chart, you have to be ready to go at all times. I think this season has been a perfect example of that."

(on adjusting to different quarterbacks throughout the year) "It's not really much of an adjustment. I mean, our offense it our offense no matter what the protection is. Us as a group up front, our responsibilities remain the same. The only thing you probably have to be aware of is a different tone or a cadence or anything like that. Other than that, it's pretty much the same."

(on bringing back QB Case Keenum) "It's good to have him back. It's good to see him. Case is a great competitor, someone who is knowledgeable of the offense, knowledgeable of the team and personnel around here. It's good to have him added to the roster."

(on if the team still has the mindset of each game is a playoff game) "Same way. We're still fighting. We're still fighting to obtain what we sought out to get at the beginning of the season. This game is just as important as the last one. It's nothing different. We know it's going to be just as tough if not tougher having a good Baltimore team come in here. Our mindset remains the same. We must win. We must win these games and that's just what it boils down to."

(on what it will be like to see Gary Kubiak on the opposing sideline) "It will be weird. Kubs (Gary Kubiak) is a great guy. I have fond memories of him. It will be weird out there. But he's the enemy this week. It will be good to see him, but once the ball's kicked off, we're trying to win."

(on what he'll say to Gary Kubiak) "I don't know. I'll say it when I see him. Yeah, I'll save it for then."

QB Thad Lewis
(on if he wishes the NFL would make a rule to allow the inactive quarterback to be active if the two other quarterbacks get hurt) "No, you know, I'm pretty sure they put that rule in place to try to help you get an extra guy on the field. Obviously, in that situation, you don't go in thinking your quarterback is going to go down. You never wish that upon you, but the rule is what it is."

(on how comfortable he is running the offense) "A lot better than I was when I first got here. Good enough to understand the basis of things like that. I know it enough where I can get out there, operate, and be efficient."

(on if he expects to start) "I actually don't know anything. I'm actually like you guys just waiting and trying to find out. At the end of the day, you only can control what you can control and that's just try to be ready. Whatever the coach's decision is, roll with that."

(on if he believes he could run the offense) "No question. Obviously, the coach is going to do what he feels like and ask you certain questions of what you're comfortable running and what you're not comfortable with. You will work together to put a game plan this week and then go out there and execute."

(on the most complicated thing about the offense) "The thing about is like coming in and learning a different language. But for the most part, you know, when you're like 14 weeks into the season, it's not the basics. Things are moving fast. You have hand singles and things like that. You can go no huddle, you can slow different tempos down. Some of the lingo and things like that, you have to get caught up with. You're not used to, so it would have to be basically slowed down for a guy like me."

(on if he is preparing too much) "It is what it is. It's part of the job. It's part of the job. You make sure you can understand as much as you can understand. Some of things that you're not comfortable with, you just make sure and let him know. That way you can work towards your strengths."

C Chris Myers
(on the mood of the team today) "Definitely a somber mood, obviously the day after, but I think that's to be expected with the way it went down, the situation and everything. But you've got to move on. We've got a talented Baltimore team coming in here and we've got to be on our P's and Q's this week."

(on going through multiple quarterbacks) "That's the nature of the game. That's the nature of the beast. It's something around here that we've been through in the past. We've just got to move and next man up. That's the way it is at every position. Unfortunately this year it's at the quarterback position. Whatever happens with Tom (Savage), obviously we'll be able to decide that here coming up pretty soon."

(on bringing back QB Case Keenum) "Case coming here, a guy that's really familiar with everyone on here. He was here this preseason, so very familiar with the offense and he's comfortable with the players and being around them. So that's a leg up. If that's the scenario, then got to step ahead."

(on if it's strange how many quarterbacks the team has gone through the past 12 months) "Yeah, that's not the norm in the NFL, but sometimes luck doesn't bounce your way and this year the injury bug caught us at that position, unfortunately yesterday two times. Just being able to kind of step up and the next man up is the motto, and that's at every position and this year it's at quarterback."

(on if he felt for QB Tom Savage being thrown into a game like he was) "I mean, when you come in for the first time in the NFL, to be in a position like that, obviously it's different compared to a lot of other guys in their first chance, but it was a chance for him to come in and prove himself. And I think he did fairly well. Obviously, he had some nerves at first, but I think that's to be expected, especially at that position. Once he kind of calmed down, you see he was able to kind of read defenses and things just kind of slowed down for him mentally. I think the more and more he plays, the more and more confident he's going to get."

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