"Basically, it's a shame what happened to him. I send my condolences to his family. If you could pick one player to be on your team it would be Pat Tillman, that's who you'd want in the foxhole. We got close when we used to do extra running on Mondays with the Cardinals. When we were losing week after week, he told me he would keep fighting and I told him that I would keep fighting too.
"That's a tribute to his character that he went out fighting. I can respect that. Pat could always look you in the eye and tell you the truth. When he said he was going overseas I understood why. I understood that he had to man-up and fight for his country. His brother (Kevin) was going, so he was going too. That shows you a lot right there. He wasn't a selfish guy. Pat Tillman is a hero. He's always going to be in my heart. I'm shocked right now.
"All the guys that complain about it being too hot or they don't have enough money, that's not real life. A real life thing is he (Pat) died for what he believed in. I'm going to go extra hard, just because I know that Pat was over there going extra hard."