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Texans-Jaguars post-game quotes

*Texans Head Coach Dom Capers *

(Opening statement) "I couldn't be prouder of our football team. We talked all week about the ability to go out and play for 60 minutes and I don't think we have had a greater example of that than we had today. The last couple weeks we've gone out and played strong in the first half and faded in the second half. I thought that our team had an awful lot of heart. It was looking dim there towards the end. We got a great play on a take away and our offense took the ball down and found a way to get the ball in. We had the ball down there with inches left and I just felt that we had a number of people down. I felt confident, with our guys upfront, with our quarterback and his athletic ability I felt like we could have made it. I felt like if we couldn't make two or three inches we didn't deserve to win the football game. There were mixed opinions on the sidelines on whether we should kick the field goal. Some guys were cheering to kick the football and some guys were cheering go for it. It puts us in a situation where we're 2-2 going into the bye week. We're 1-0 in our division. You have to win your home games. You have to win your division games. Today was an extremely big win for us. I couldn't be prouder of our team. We showed a lot of heart. We hung in there. We battled. Every week is a new experience and a different set of circumstances. When you get a win like we got today it can really pull your team together and it can do a tremendous amount for your confidence."

(On making the call) "I think you go on instincts. If we don't make that you guys are asking me about it for the next year. I had a gut feeling. We were sitting there and we had run the quarterback sneak a couple times. They were in a different defense because they were in a goal line defense but I felt that if we could get a push up front and go up over the top, which he did. We had a number of guys banged up through the course of the game. We were thin in a lot of areas."

(On why Stacey Mack wasn't at the end of the game) "We were in three wide receivers and Domanick Davis is our three wide receiver back. You saw that Domanick Davis was very productive in that winning drive."

(On have questions about the call) "We were able to run quite a few plays in a very short period of time. When we threw those balls I felt like throwing it and we can line up and kick the field goal. When I saw how close we were, I thought let's go for it. Let's try to win the game and end this thing right now."

(On what he was thinking when making the call) "You're thinking about one thing, your thinking about what the percentages are as far as if being able to get that ball across the goal line."

*Texans QB David Carr *

(On game-winning touchdown) "When your six-inches away from the goal line you can't give that up. I rather take my shot right there on the six-inch line. It was a great call by the coaching staff and I am just glad that I just got up with the touchdown."* *

(On his reaction once he crossed the goal line) "One I got over the line I was happy that I got across. They hit it at the end but I was already across."* *

(On the Texans' performance in the second half) "We turned the ball over still this week but our team showed some heart and they came back and fought all the way down to the last second. That's what it takes in games like this in the NFL. It's going to come down like that in almost every game."* *

*Texans CB Kenny Wright *

(On his performance once he entered the game) "Unfortunately, "AG" (Aaron Glenn) went down so I tried to come in and give the team a boost."

(On his first interceptions) "The first one we were in man coverage and I knew they were going to try me since I was the nickel back and I was replacing a Pro Bowler who went down. We were in man and the receiver ran an out route and I jumped in front of him and picked it off."

(On his second interception) "The second time we were in man again and he tried to take me deep but I ran with him and turned around and made a play on the ball."

(On his game performance) "It's been the fact as that I have to convert my opportunities. I've had my hands on a lot of balls but I've either broken passes up or dropped a interception. What I wanted to do this season is to concentrate on catching the ball."

Texans C
         Steve McKinney**

(on the last play) "I was pretty nervous, that's a tough predicament to be in when you know it's the last play of the game. Win or lose depends on whether or not you knock your guy far enough back that the quarterback can get in the end zone. Yah that was pretty nerve wrecking, but man we got it done."

(On not giving up) "We were down, I mean people were probably leaving the stands. It looked like we didn't have a chance and we'd already given up. No, we kept fighting. The defense made the plays and got us the football and we took it down there and got us a touchdown."

         WR Jabar Gaffney**

(On the offensive performance) "We feel like we did some good things. We left a lot of yards on the field. That's the things we have to overcome. You can't do that, it almost cost us this week. We just need to stay focused all the way through the game and keep moving the ball."

(On what happens now) "Going into the bye week, we'll try to correct some things, take a break and get everybody healthy. And then we'll try to come back and pick up from here."

(On the difference between 2-2 and 1-3 record) "It's real big. We can't ask for anything better going in at 1-3, everybody would have had their heads down. Now everybody has their heads up going into the bye week and into the next divisional game. It's real good."

         OL Zach Wiegert**

(On the last play) "I am glad that they have confidence in us to call plays like that. I am glad that he (Coach Capers) has the confidence in us."

         RB Domanick Davis**

(On the winning drive) "When I got that call telling me to get in, it was crunch time. Not too much time on the clock and I said, 'they are giving it to me? I'm a rookie so I just got to make it happen.' I mean they were coming after the ball trying to strip it and everything but I was just being a player out there trying to make plays."

         FS Marlon McCree

(On facing his former team) "It's a lot of emotions involved. After a team releases you after you've done a lot for the organization and they show their appreciation by releasing you, you want to go out and have a good game. I think I did a good job on special teams and we got the win, and that's great."

(On special teams preparation) "We practice at full speed, so when the game comes, it's like practice. It's nothing we have to turn on or off. We do it all week and that's why it paying big dividends for us."


         DE Gary Walker**

(On the Jaguars matchup) "When you get two teams that face each other twice a year, you pretty much know what each other is going to do. It just comes down to players making plays. We made plays at the end of the game and we played hard."

(On the Texans-Jaguars rivalry) "We play these guys again. We have to now go there and play them. Last year we split, they won at our home and we won at their home. It was a big game for us going into our bye week. Now we can get some guys back healthy. We just want to take this win and enjoy it and get ready for Tennessee."

(On Coach Capers decision to go for the win) "It was great. I just hope the players really understand why he called that play. It just shows the confidence he has in this football team. Everybody wants to say second year, second year when talking about this team, but we have guys here capable of making plays and it was a great example of that today."


         Offensive Coordinator Chris Palmer**

(On the play calling) "We had practiced it all week, one time we threw it, one time we ran it and those are things you put in the hands of players and you hope you don't turn the ball over."

(On the play of David Carr) "All the great ones, you talk about Marino, you talk about Elway, you talk about Montana. How many games have they had with winning drives? I think that's the next chapter in the Houston Texans and David Carr."

(On going for it at the end) "That's Dom's decision all the way. I know that we were very close and we put ourselves in position where you either make the play or you don't make the play."


         OL Chester Pitts**

(On the reaction to the interception on the halfback pass) "I just thought we (The defense) had to come out and go three and out so we could get the ball back. A touchdown wins the game. That was our feeling and we kept plugging."

(On the offensive stats) "The only numbers we really care about is points on the boards. I'll take less yards for more points any day. It's definitely a confidence builder. We're going out and executing better as a unit. If we can go out and play the way we did offensively, we'll be alright the rest of the season."

(On the turnovers) "They had their fair share of turnovers also. It all washes out. When you have the ball you have to execute and try to get points on the board.

(On the 2-2 record) "I'll take that. It's my first time being .500 in the NFL."


         WR Andre Johnson**

(On the winning play) "It felt great. The offense was saying lets' just run it in. We had the confidence to know that we could get it in."

(On going for the win) "I didn't have any doubts about it. It just shows that Coach (Capers) is confident in us. Most teams probably would have kicked the field goal."

(On being the go-to guy) "In the first half I think I had like two catches. The second half during that drive, the ball seemed to keep coming my way. When the ball's coming your way, you love it. You just want to make the plays."

(On the importance of this win) "That was our main thing, we wanted to go into the bye week 2-2. We got the job done."

*Jacksonville RB Fred Taylor *

(on losing) "We came out looking for a win, and obviously that didn't happen. We made too many mistakes, too many turnovers, and it cost us the game."

(on rest of the season) "We'll just try to keep everybody together, and keep on grinding away until we get a win. We've only played four games, so the season is still young."

(on Byron Leftwich) "I think he did a pretty good job. He was in the huddle leading us and he had a great sense of urgency. He'll be one of the great ones you always hear about and read about."

         WR Troy Edwards

(on touchdown) "We just had a double move. It came out just like you draw it up in practice. I beat the cornerback and Byron threw me a nice ball and I just took it from there. "

(on QB Byron Leftwich) "He played well. When you're a young quarterback put in that kind of position, it can be very difficult. I think quarterback is the most difficult position in the NFL, and he went out as a rookie and did a great job."

(on overall play) "We played hard, but we just came up short. We'll practice hard, and hopefully we can get a win next week at home. You have to give credit where credit is due. The Texans played hard, and they pulled it out."

(on Texans' defense) "They have two of the best cornerbacks in the NFL. Aaron Glenn and Marcus Coleman are as good as they come. They have a great defense. With Gary Walker in the middle, they can plug it up in a hurry. The 3-4 is a hard defense to pick up, and they run it well."

         CB Jason Craft

(on overall) "We played hard. I thought we came out in the second half and played tough. It was just one of those games where you make mistakes and it comes back to bite you. It's tough."

(on interception) "They tried to do a little toss pass, and it backfired. I was over there with Fernando (Bryant), and I didn't have an assignment, so I just went up there and grabbed it."

         Texans' offense) "They're a good offense with some good
         weapons. They have three good young receivers with Jabar Gaffney,
         Corey Bradford and Andre Johnson. I think you'll see big things
         from them. Andre is extremely talented, and in a few years he should
         be something special."
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