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Texans - Jaguars postgame quotes

Members of the Houston Texans and Jacksonville Jaguars spoke to the media after the game on Sunday, Oct. 14.

Texans head coach Gary Kubiak

(on the outcome of the game) "We came out of the gate with a lot of energy and a lot of good things going on but no points. We moved the football down the field in the first two drives and got three points. You can't do that against this team. You have to get all you can get because they're a very good defensive football team. In the second half, we got our butts kicked. It starts with me. I got mine kicked and the rest our coaches got theirs kicked. There are no excuses. When you run the ball for over nine yards a carry in this league like the Jaguars did, you're kicking someone's tail and that was ours that they were kicking today. We've got a lot of things we have to go out and try to figure out if we're going to have a chance to win next week."

(on the second half) "We're in a 10-6 football game coming back out, which is exactly what we thought we'd be in. There are not many people back in the stands yet and the stadium's pretty quiet. The defense is in about five third down situations on that one drive and we don't stop them one time. We can't get off the field. We just couldn't stop the run, and that's a problem."

(on if RB Ahman Green helped the running game) "We played a team that's pretty good against the run; number one, they're pretty good. I thought we did some better things, but we don't have a lot to show for it because we were throwing the ball throughout the second half. But I thought that his presence did help us, but we still have a heck of a long way to go. Statistically, it doesn't look very good, but I thought we did a few things better."

(on the penalties) "We had a lot of penalties, John. I'm looking at them right here and we had our share of them. We kept drives alive and shot ourselves in the foot. There were some tough calls out there that I need to go back and look at, but we definitely didn't do anything as a football team to deserve a break in all honesty. We were beating ourselves."

(on Jacksonville RB Fred Taylor and RB Maurice Jones-Drew) "They're both pretty good. It doesn't matter which one is back there if you don't tackle and control them at the line. This team is going to run successfully against a lot of teams and they did it against us today about as well as you can do it."

(on resting QB Matt Schaub in the fourth quarter) "I think Sage (Rosenfels) needs the reps and Matt took some shots. He's a battler when he's in there, playing his tail off trying to get us back into the football game. I think you'll see he took a lot of licks and I didn't think it made much sense to beat him up anymore with his leg. And I think Sage needed some reps, so I felt the same way that I did about Ahman (Green).

(on if he planned to throw the ball that much) "No, we were just attacking the defense, John. We're moving the ball; like I said, we're moving the ball. The ball's going to go where it's supposed to go according to coverage, but you have to finish drives. And we were 1-5 in the red zone and just to have two more down there and you've got a chance. We don't plan where we go; we just attack the defense."

(on Jacksonville QB David Garrard) "David's not been turning the ball over, even though we did get a few today and it kept us somewhat close for a while. But the kid protects the ball and he's one of the best young quarterbacks in football right now. I think he's only going to get better. I think Jack (Del Rio) and them are doing a tremendous job with him. (Mike) Shula is doing a great job with the kid. I think he's a fine, fine player. I'm really impressed with him."

(on the play of WR Kevin Walter) "He's a man. It doesn't where we play, who we play, Kevin Walter is going to show up, work his tail off, make every tough play and block. I told ya'll that last year. That's the way I felt about him when he came out of the season last year and I was disappointed in myself for not getting him more involved in what we were doing. You can see right now he can be counted on."

(on what he could have done better as a coach) "We've got to figure out a way to finish some of these drives. We've got to continue to figure out a way to run the ball. We've got to get off the field on third downs. I'm the coach and we've got to get in there and go to work and figure out a way to fix some of these things because when things don't go well for our football team, it tends to be the same thing. So what ends up starting in the face at the end of the same day tends to be the same problems. So you've got to find a way to fix it."

Texans quarterback Matt Schaub

(on not being able to capitalize on the good start) "We put together some drives and were moving the football how we wanted to. I would say it was a good start, but at the same time I would say we were disappointed because we didn't get seven points. And settling for three's on the road in this league - you know, when you get down inside the red zone, it's going to hurt you. We want to score seven points down there, so we've got to find a way to finish drives and finish plays and finish games."

(on not getting the running game going even with RB Ahman Green back) "Ahman does make our team better; he's a veteran guy, experienced guy who has had success in this league. There are runs there where he gave us the advantage because he put us in good second down situations, so we just need to capitalize on the plays that are there when they are there."

(on not connecting in the red zone) "It's not something they're doing; it's about us finishing it and finishing the play and capitalizing on plays that are there and executing it. So it's up to us as players to do that, and the coaches are putting us in positions to be successful."

(on if he was frustrated not to be playing at the end of the game) "Well, it was frustrating finish. We were right there and then the start of the fourth quarter and it got away from us there with some turnovers. They played a good football game; hats off to Jacksonville. They played better in the second half."

(on the Jaguars facing the Colts next week) "Well, they're all good football teams, so it's going to be a good matchup, but you still have to play the game between the lines."

(on if it was frustrating watching the defense on the field so long) "It's tough. Our defense was put in some tough situations and were on the field a lot today, so it helps if the offense can keep them off the field and sustain drives."

(on how much Andre Davis' fumble hurt the momentum) "That hurts anytime you are down there and turn the ball over. You know, my fumble - that hurt when they recovered it and ran it back. Everyone, I think, has a play today where they would like to have it back because it impacted the team in a big way."

(on how he feels after facing the Jaguars' pass rush) "I feel good. Anytime you're going to be exhausted after a game in this league; it's just the nature of the business."

(on what he saw in the quarterback draw) "It was a good call at first; it was their look and we tried to get through there, but they've got a couple of big guys up there in the middle, so it's tough to get through there. They did a good job defending."

Texans wide receiver Kevin Walter

(on if he was surprised by the number of catches he had) "No, I wasn't surprised. You go out there and prepare real hard during the week and whenever you've got the opportunity to make a play, you've got to make it. "

(on if the Jacksonville secondary left him open) "I'll tell you what, that defense is a good defense up and down the board, and we executed some plays and some plays we didn't execute. But we've got to continue to work hard."

(on being hurt by penalties) "Penalties killed us; turnovers killed us; and our red zone efficiency killed us. That's what it came down to there."

(on how frustrating it was to not get into the end zone) "It was frustrating, very frustrating because we really focused on our red zone, getting into the end zone and not taking a field goal. We really need points, touchdowns, especially against a group like this. We just need to get back to the drawing board and work real hard at doing that."

(on being under radar anymore) "I don't know. I'm not really sure; whatever they decide to do. I'm going to continue to work hard and play my game. I feel confident in myself. I said from the get-go we have a good group of receivers that can go out and make plays and we've just got to continue to do that."

Texans offensive tackle Ephraim Salaam

(on why the offense couldn't convert in the red zone) "I don't know what was going on. I felt like we made some big plays in the first half and I thought we would take advantage of opportunities in the second half, but they never presented themselves. You have to capitalize in the moment when it's there and can't bank on the next one."

(on why the offense sputtered) "They blitzed a lot, and I think for the most part we had everything under control. But I will have to go back and see it on the film. We have to get to the point where we're clicking on the same cylinders. Early in the game it seemed like we didn't get a lot of points on the board and not to let that happen again."

Texans wide receiver André Davis

(on the fumble at the goal line) "I was trying to get the ball in and reaching for the goal line and he hit the ball out. I have to be more focused and make sure I get in the end zone and don't leave any doubt in any one's mind. I have to make sure to tuck the ball in and make sure I get in next time. I could have dived to make sure I got in but that's my mistake and a lapse of judgment right there and I just need to make sure I get in before I reach the ball out."

Texans Linebacker Danny Clark

(on how the team moves on) "We're going to treat this game as one game only and have the 24 hour rule where we will lick our wounds, correct our mistakes and get prepared for Tennessee."

(on what went wrong) "We didn't play our defense and we were out of position on a lot of plays. We weren't playing like we normally do our style.

Jaguars head coach Jack Del Rio

(opening statement) "We identified this as a big, big game and a big challenge. A good football team the Texans brought in here and it was going to take a team effort and I thought we had that, so it's good to get out of here with a nice solid victory. We have another one coming up next week before you know it. So we're going to enjoy this one today, and then we have an extra day in the week going forward so we will take tomorrow off as a team, the players take tomorrow off, and we'll get back to work Tuesday. We've got a lot of work in front of us. A very solid team effort. There was some adversity we had to fight through early in the ballgame. Guys did a nice job of playing with discipline and poise, two things that I stressed all throughout the week. I feel like the maturity of this football team is improving. The hunger that we're playing with and the attention to detail we preparing with during the week are things that I believe in. We talk about our process and how to go about our work and I think it's been very solid, so therefore here we are starting our second quarter of our season with a good solid home win. Some outstanding individual efforts; Maurice Jones-Drew clearly had a phenomenal game. I didn't even have to wait until we got to tape to give him a game ball. He was sensational. There were a lot of good efforts. Fred (Taylor) got us started with that big run. David (Garrard) played, again, very, very good football, making good decisions, really directing our offense, getting us in some good plays, accurate with the ball. I can't say enough about the way he's playing. He's done a great job for us. The passing game is coming. We're making progress there. Defensively, I thought we gave up a couple of things through the air that we'd like to clean up, but by and large a really solid effort. A little garbage time late, it kind of makes it look a little different than it really felt, but all in all a good solid team victory."

(on the onside kick) "We talked as a football team about going to play to win and doing it in attack mode, and it was something we thought we would be able to accomplish successfully; gave it a shot."

(on a play call) "I don't care to get into game plan type stuff. Obviously we thought we had a shot to make the play there. I called for it and we got it. Joe D (DeCamillis) called for it, I OK'd it."

(on if he was frustrated when things weren't going well early in the game) "No. Why would I be? I think it was a good solid half, back and forth stuff, two teams going after each other. I delivered the message; told our sideline before we did it and be ready to back me up now. If we don't get it, we were ready to roll, ready to play. I think the guys bought into that whole 'we're going to attack and play this game to win right away."

Jaguars quarterback David Garrard

(on the game) "It feels great. The way things started off, I didn't know if that was going to happen, but the guys stuck with me and allowed me to make a few mistakes, but they continued on making plays. As the game progressed, my passes got a little better and we started running the ball better, so overall I would have to say it was a total great job by our guys."

(on what kind of mistakes he felt he made) "We weren't quite clicking as well as I thought we should. I was missing guys. I got sacked on the first play. I allowed their coverage—not to fool me—but the way I saw the corner sitting outside, I didn't think I could get the ball to our guy. I thought he was sitting on it pretty good, I just trusted what I saw. Plays that I knew I should be completing the ball, those are the things when I'm out of my "A" game."

(on the Jaguar ball control offense) "It's really not ball control. We want to stretch the field; we want to throw it deep. We want to have the 30, 40, 50-yard plays and score fast, but sometimes the defense won't let you do that. So we have to take what they're giving us and offensively, we can do that. We're just going to continue to go out there, take what they give us and not try to press. We don't want to try to do more than what we're capable of doing."

(on helping the defense) "One of the best things we're doing right now is giving the defense time to rest. Whenever you can go through a game and not have to punt the ball, that's a big thing. And to have two turnovers early and still be up at halftime is also big. It shows how resilient this team is."

(on the touchdown pass to George Wrightster) "We practiced that play all week long. I remember the last time we ran it in practice, Wrightster dropped it and he was that wide open in practice. But I knew when it happened in the game, I knew he was going to make the play. There was no doubt in my mind he would make the catch."

(on continuing to throw the fade route) "All week long we were throwing fades and completing them.—every one of them. I think we completed 12-for-12 all week long. All of them for touchdowns. Then we get in the game and were trying to hit the guy in the first row. That's something we'll work on and next week and the weeks after, the things we do right in practice, we can carry over to the game."

(on how defenses are playing the Jaguar offense) "They're putting everybody in the box. They're trying to stop the run. They're making us throw the ball outside, but they're really not giving us anything deep. They know we have big receivers, so they're really bailing out and making us keep everything underneath."

Jaguars running back Maurice Jones-Drew

(on the difference the last two weeks with his plays) "I think just practicing, improving on the running game in general. We go into practice and everyone has that mindset of 'we're going to do what it takes.' It's always one person's block if you don't run the ball successfully, it's always one thing that's going to go wrong with our running game. And so today everyone was doing their job. Everyone was on a guy, we were running toss plays, there were giant holes, we were running all type of things. Everyone was on their block and everyone was hustling to the ball. When you have that I'm able to make moves or have someone behind me coming to help me out."

(on worrying about a sophomore jinx) "No, not really. I think more than anything coming off last year, just like you guys, we expected the running game to be the same. It's a new season and coming in the first couple of weeks everyone wanted to stop the run. So we had to show we could throw the ball around. After we threw the ball a little bit people started to lighten up a little bit. Now we're able to get back into our running game and our offense more – I think we had 200 yards rushing and passing today. So it's kind of hard to hone in on one deal because if you hone in on one it's kind of like picking your poison."

(on repeating the performance next week) "Last year was last year. We kind of figured that out at the beginning of the season. We're not too much worried about last year, we know we have a tough game coming up Monday night obviously. The Colts are playing great, they still didn't pick me in the draft so I'm still upset about that. We'll just have to go out there and play. Their defense is playing pretty good right now, so I'm expecting some calls this week, they're expecting some, too. It's going to be a fun game, give everybody a great show."

(on going after defenders.) "You've got to deliver the blow; you don't ever want to accept it. I'd rather deliver it than accept it – it hurts more when you accept it. I figure by the end of the second quarter they won't want to tackle you up top anymore. That's kind of our motto. You see Fred do it all the time – he'll kind of give a guy a little shake and he'll run into him. You've got to keep them off-balance a little bit."

(on how upset he was about not getting that long pass) "Oh, man, I had him beat, too. Dave threw a great ball. I had him beat and I tried to lay out for it. I saw the receivers can do it, so I thought I could, but my arms aren't long enough to go out and try to bring it in at the same time. So it looks like I'll be working on that."

(on the fourth quarter breakout) "I think it was those long drives we had in the beginning. We had two costly fumbles in the beginning, and guys were upset about it but there's nothing you can do about it. That's kind of our mindset. We just went in and kept grinding. We had those two long drives and that kind of tired them out. You know the Jacksonville weather gets you if you're not used to it. I guess they kind of got worn down and we were able to do some things. The offensive line was great blocking, the tight ends and receivers were out there blocking and it was just a great overall effort."

(on touchdown celebrations) "The theme this week was 'non-fineable.' I tried to do as much as I can not to get fined. We saw the Karate Kid earlier this week so I decided to do Mr. Miagi. I stole Mike Peterson's flex-cam, I did that a little bit. I was just trying to have fun and that's all that matters. I think when you have fun everyone has fun. The offensive linemen love it anyways. They always say, 'do this, do that, do that one.'"

Jaguars running back Fred Taylor

(on his durability) "I still have some life in my legs. I just have to continue to come in and do the small things, maintenance, take care of myself continue to get massages and all that good stuff and I'll be fine."

Jaguars wide receiver Matt Jones

(on Jaguar fans) "The fan support definitely helps us. We feel like we have the best fans in the league. The fans are out there cheering us on and it really helps us."

Jaguars tight end George Wrighster

(on the Colts coming into Jacksonville for the Monday Night Game) "Every game is important, today's game was the most important game of the season, Next week that game will be the most important. I think everybody is excited to play on Monday Night."

(on getting more involved into the offense) "I think you're always going to be more involved in the offense catching the balls and running around I'm just glad to be healthy. The healthier I am the more opportunities I'll get to make plays."

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