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Over the past few months, we've collected data from social media, fan focus groups, current players, Houston Texans Legends and more.

You asked, CEO and Chair Cal McNair listened.

The Texans are in the process of exploring possible uniform changes, starting with fan surveys and focus groups. The idea was first discussed publicly by Chair and CEO Cal McNair on a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) session prior to the start of the 2022 season.

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"We have already engaged the NFL to better understand the process to formally start a fan research study and the timeline and guidelines if the fan research steered towards change. No promises but we will challenge everything, and we won't be afraid to evolve," said McNair in September.

Focus groups are taking place with fans while Texans Legends will also have a session and the players themselves are getting a chance to give their input as well. Opinions are being sourced on color, jersey and helmet design.

The Texans have featured Deep Steel Blue, Battle Red and Liberty White as part of their uniform design since the inception of the franchise. In 2023, the Texans introduced the first significant uniform change with the Battle Red Helmet and received overwhelming support. This inspired the team to explore the possibility of making additional changes.

The team has also previously used different combinations of Battle Red jerseys with Battle Red pants or Deep Steel Blue pants on Battle Red Day. This effort could lead to much bigger changes as the team explores new options.

This season, the Texans released a new line of merchandise including t-shirts and jackets featuring an "H" representing Houston. The overwhelming popularity of the H-Town merch has inspired the team to release multiple versions, quickly becoming the top selling merch on gameday.

Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications Doug Vosik appeared on Sports Radio 610 and expanded on the process.

"With Cal's leadership we were already behind the scenes working with the NFL to find out what the process would look like. The amazing reaction from the fanbase and the city to the Battle Red helmet is what sparked all this. It gave us the confidence to explore new grounds. We're finally at the phase where we can get those opinions through surveys and focus groups," said Vosik.

While the team is working steadily towards the possible 2024 uniform changes, the Texans are not wasting any time in taking fan feedback on the end zones. The team added Houston to the north end zone and painted both of the end zones red for Battle Red Day and Deep Steel Blue for the remainder of the 2023 season.

There's much work to be done and many factors to take into consideration but Texans uniforms in the future could have a new look after the process is complete.

The Houston Texans will unveil the Battle Red Helmets in the Week 4 matchup against the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday, October 1.

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