* EDITOR'S NOTE:* *Following is a diary from Tiffany, who currently is in Hawaii representing the Texans Cheerleaders in the 2007 Pro Bowl.
Click here to watch her Pro Bowl video update (Photo highlights).
*KAPOLEI, Hawaii – It's been like a dream to be here in Hawaii this week. I keep pinching myself just to make sure that it's real. I've never been to Hawaii before, and this is just amazing. I dance every day with more than 30 amazing girls and I'm just so honored to represent my squad and the Houston Texans and the City of Houston. It's been incredible so far.
There has been a lot of work that has gone into the Pro Bowl week. The NFL sent all of the cheerleaders a DVD with choreography weeks ago, and we had to learn about eight dances and about four fillers, which are small, short dances. They said that they wanted us to come here as prepared as possible, so I was pretty busy. I've been working out very hard every day also. I'm a runner, so I trained a lot and lifted some weights so that I could represent my team as well as I can.
A typical day here is pretty long. We wake up and have breakfast at 8 a.m., which gives us an opportunity to sit and talk and get to know each other better. I think that's probably one of my favorite things about being here because every girl gets to share a piece of her life and her story – where she's from and what background she comes from. I love trading those stories and learning about everyone else.
After we eat breakfast, we usually go to our first event. Sometimes it's an appearance. We've been to the Shriners Hospital and to Pearl Harbor, and we're doing a Japanese cheer clinic. We visited some of the troops stationed here. Today is our third day, and we are spending most of it at the Pro Bowl Skills Challenge. Last night was probably my favorite night here because we got to experience a traditional Hawaiian luau. It was fabulous. There was fire everywhere, as well as dancing and singing. It was just an amazing time because it was crowded with people from all over the world.
One thing that I really didn't expect before I came here was to see everything run so smoothly. I expected things to be a little bit more chaotic, but everything is on a strict time schedule so that we can fit in everything that we have to do. I think it's so great that we've done so much stuff and it's only Thursday and the game hasn't even gotten here yet.
In the hotel we're staying at, my roommate's name is Aimee, and she cheers for the Buffalo Bills. She calls her cheerleading squad the Buffalo Jills. She's just fabulous. We get along so well. Being from up north, she has an accent and I love to sit back and listen to her talk. She says that I have an accent and she likes to sit back and listen to me talk, too! We've traded stories and interesting things. She did a promotion yesterday morning for one of the radio stations where she lives, and it was interesting to hear her talk to the DJs about her experience and what it's been like here.
There is so much more I want to share, but I have to run to our next appearance. I just want to say that I'm so happy to be here. Thank you so much for cheering us on and for being the raving fans that you are. We always need you every day and we are so appreciative of your support.
Take care and Go Texans!