It's Getting Closer!!
With Training Camp starting at the end of next week, the season is just around the corner. And we can't wait!

But don't think that Training Camp is just for the boys! It's also the time for us to really hit it hard, running extra laps and doing extra crunches and lunges. In fact, as if practices weren't tiring enough, all throughout the Training Camp weeks, Alto will randomly stop us in the middle of practice and make us do push-ups. She's definitely getting us all field-ready!
Already deep into practices, we've been learning three to four dances and sidelines every night. It's a test of our memories, but come game time, it will all be cemented in. You'll be seeing new and exciting things this year, so don't miss the games!
We've had a great time bonding as a squad over the summer. The rookies are all great and are eager to be out on the field with us. And the vets can't wait to get it all started again. It's such a thrill entertaining the best fans in the NFL!

Don't miss Training Camp this year! Tickets are free, so go get yours today. See you there!