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Transcripts: 10-8-2021 Press Conferences 


With the running game, why do you think it's been harder in recent weeks to get it going like the first game?

"We just got to switch up some of the looks and some of our tendencies. I know last week we were having a few loaded boxes. We have to get our pass game and really just balance out our whole offense. I think that will help us out a lot because a couple of plays last week just not people in the box and we have eight blockers, it's hard to run into those looks. Once the pass game gets going, the offense in general, stay in front of the sticks and not behind the sticks, people know what's going on, you know what's happening. I think we just have to come out and really just play our game. Last week we didn't play our game in no sort of fashion. I think once we come out and do that, we will be fine."

How does the pass game open up for tight ends when the run game is there?

"It's not necessarily that it has to open up. I think our tight ends are good enough, we just haven't been asked to be used the past couple of weeks, we have no control of that. We just have to play the role that we are asked each week. That's sometimes what you are asked to do, even though I think we have two good tight ends, three good tight ends that can go in there and make things happens in both run and pass. But this game sometimes you're not just used to do that, so you just have to do what we have to do each week to help the team win. I think that's all what everybody is focused on right now."

If the pass games finds more success, are some of those loaded boxes inevitable with the style you guys play with three tight ends?

"I mean yeah, but if you look at some of our tendencies, we are more run heavy out of those sets. I think breaking the tendency and we did some stuff with three tight ends trying to get some pass plays in there to so teams aren't just like, 'Hey, they got the three tight end set, we know what's going on.' I think we did some of that last year, but we only had 30 plays last week. There's not a lot you can do with 30 plays."

When you go back and break down a 40-0 game, where do you start?

"I'm not sure. Probably with the knockout. Who knows, you can pick anywhere. It's just one of those times you've just got to keep the same mindset that you do in the old saying, 'Flush it after 24 hours and keep going.' We got our ass kicked. You got knocked out, you've got to get back up, and what are you going to do next? This week of preparation has been great. Guys have been sticking together, we had a great week of practice. Now we have the opportunity to go prove ourselves this Sunday."

How much do you think the penalties have to do with the offense adjusting to a new quarterback?

"I don't think that plays a (factor). We're all professionals and we can't afford to do that, no matter who is back there. They can have anybody back there, we can't do that as a football team. It hurts our team, like I said, playing behind the chains when you get first-and-20, when you convert a first down, but it comes back. That's our momentum, and this game, it's a small margin. All those little things add up. I don't care who's back there, we can't do that as an offense, period."


Any big news?

"Yeah, my daughter was born, and I've been dealing with that and I'm super excited about that. I've been spending some time with her and her mom, and about to go and see them right now. But yeah, I'm excited. Tired, but it's all worth it."

Is this your first kid?

"Yes. Yeah, it's my first kid."

What's her name?

"Her name is Calani. Calani Myles Conley. She's perfect."

When looking ahead to the Patriots, what's been your perspective on seeing things get back on track?

"This is the M.O. of the Patriots. They do what they do, they don't beat themselves. They're very sound on defense. They have a lot of technicalities and ways that they can affect your offense, and really try to make you play left-handed. It really comes down to playing a game where you take what they give you, and you don't make mistakes, don't make big mistakes. Protect the football, and that gives you a fighting chance."

Have you noticed what can be fixed to help create better things in the run game?

"I think ultimately we have to help a young quarterback, make him comfortable making the calls, making sure that we're on the same page with him. Communication is huge, and I think that's an area that we can stand to improve. It's something that we've been working on. We've been in some loud environments that Davis (Mills) has had to play in. This last one was pretty loud and it was raining. When you're in an adverse situation, you have to do everything that you can to help young players and make them feel comfortable. If we can communicate and make sure that everyone is on the same page, I think that will be fun."

Do you think you've had to practice your blocking skills more for this season than any other?

"I feel really confident just in my ability to block. I like to be a guy who can help the team whatever way that they need to be helped. In my mind, I think I'm the best blocking receiver in the league. If they need me to get in there and block a bigger body or to open up a hole for somebody, I can do it."

Do you notice secondaries are more prepared to cover you in certain situations if the run game is struggling?

"It's the basics of good football. They call it complementary football. When you run the ball well, it really makes the defense, makes the linebackers step up and get close to the line, makes them put more people in the box. You put more people in the box, you start opening up lanes to the outside. The hook curl, people get slower to the flat, you get a lot of throws where you can throw it underneath, and those are drive starters. You can throw a six-yard hitch, you can start throwing slants and things like that when their eyes are in the backfield. That's an emphasis, that's how we want to play. We want to play downhill, we want to be able to be physical. That opens up for those playmakers on the outside and allows them to do what they've got to do."


What do you see from DE Matt Judon as a pass rusher?

"I've been playing (Matt) Judon since my rookie year and he's improved every year. He's a great pass rusher, great player, great run stopper. He's a great player addition to the New England Patriots. We just got to stay consistent and shoot your hands, and, just do your job because everybody that's on that line, not just him, but everybody that's on that line is technically sound and they get things done."

How has the offensive line prepared this week without OL Marcus Cannon?

"We have the next man up mentality. We just need to keep working and just next man up. Marcus (Cannon) is hurt but Charlie Heck is up this week so we got to worry about Charlie Heck and the rest of the o-line will get it done."

What have you seen from OL Charlie Heck and his progression?

"You guys saw what Charlie did in the preseason, it's nothing new. He just got COVID and you weren't able to see him. That's what it is but Charlie is going to get the job done too."

What do you think has been the biggest problem when running the ball?

"We just got to be more consistent. That's from top to bottom, that's for the coaches, for the players. We just have to be more consistent and more glued together and get things done. We can't have no loose holes anywhere and we got to come together and get the job done. That's being more consistent in the meeting room, being more consistent in walk thrus, being more consistent on the practice field. That's my biggest thing that were I get it from, just being more glued and being more consistent."

It sounded like Head Coach David Culley gave the team an ear full after Buffalo, what did you take from that and how did you apply it to this week in practice?

"We went out there and didn't give it our all. The score showed that, and he wasn't proud of that. We really just got to leave that were that's at. We put that in the past and we are focusing on the Patriots now. It's really just being consistent. I go back to that."

What is the mentality around the locker room and around the guys to try to turn things around and have a better performance this week?

"Be more consistent. That is my theme, be more consistent. We have to. Walk thrus, meetings, we can't have a good drive and then the next drive we don't do as well. We have to be consistent with everything we do. We got to play complimentary football, that's what Coach says, complimentary football. If we do that then it wouldn't have been 40-0."

When it comes to penalties, what difference does it make having to adjust to a new quarterback in terms of his cadence and how he moves in the pocket?

"We just got to play smart. We really do have to play smart. Those are unnecessary penalties and we don't need to have that. We got to be locked into his cadence no matter if it's a different quarterback in there, we got to be locked into the cadence. The holding penalties, you just got to keep your hands inside, unnecessary penalties we don't need that."

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