"Made To Be A Mascot" chronicles TORO's gameday experience trying various jobs throughout the stadium, all while highlighting the importance of celebrating each other's differences. Now availa-BULL in the Houston Texans Team Shop and online Team Shop!
From birthdays, to Mother's Day and Valentine's Day alike, celebrate the Texans fan in your life with a surprise visit from TORO at work, home, school or wherever they would least expect it! Each MemoraBULL Moment is $250 and includes a visit from TORO, personalized autographed photo, a special gift and a digital photo that'll be emailed to you following the surprise!
TORO is the most charitaBULL bovine in town, which is why he offers such a great rate for all 501c3 non-profit organizations that want to book an appearance.
TORO wants to thank our community and corporate partners for working with the Texans. At a special discounted price, you can bring TORO to your next company outing and celebrate two of the best companies around: Yours and the Houston Texans!
Make your next business meeting, grand opening or in-store promotion stand head, shoulders and horns above the rest. TORO promises an experience that you and your customers won't soon forget.
TORO Takes the BULL Out of Bullying is an educational assembly program that teaches elementary students what to do if they or someone they know are being bullied, using the letters that spell the word BULL: Be Yourself, Use Your Voice, Leave and Look Out for Others!
Thanks to NOV, TORO Takes the Bull Out of Bullying is offered to 30 Houston area schools for free and includes a 45-minute interactive assembly, Activity Book for each student and other great prizes. Schools are selected based on the nominations that are received. All programs for the 2024-25 school year have been awarded, but join the waitlist to be the first to know when nominations open for the 2025-26 school year!
TORO's Math Drills is an educational video series designed to help 3rd and 4th grade students tackle math through fun football examples. Created in partnership with the United Way of Greater Houston, TORO's Math Drills covers subjects like fractions, multiplication and division, place value, and money.
Pass the STAAR is an educational assembly program that teaches 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students how to prepare for the STAAR Test, but there's one problem: TORO is afraid of the word "Test" and this time of the school year has him very worried. With the help of TORO's friends at NRG Stadium, TORO learns that tests are nothing to be afraid of when you properly prepare just like the Houston Texans prepare for a football game. During the program, students will learn how to prepare their bodies and mind for the test through proper nutrition, daily exercise, getting 8 hours of sleep each night, listening attentively, developing consistent study habits and practicing their STAAR strategies.
Thanks to Texas Children's, Pass the STAAR with TORO is offered to 20 Houston area elementary schools for free and includes a 45-minute assembly, Activity Book for each student and other great prizes. Schools are selected based on the nominations that are received. All programs for the 2025 school year have been awarded, but join the waitlist to be the first to know when nominations open for the 2026 school year!
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