TORO's Math Drills | Houston Texans -

Place Values
TEKS Referenced:
•3.1(A) - apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace.
•3.2(A) - compose and decompose numbers up to 100,000 as a sum of so many ten thousands, so many thousands, so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones using objects, pictorial models, and numbers, including expanded notation as appropriate.
•4.1(A) - apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace.
•4.2(A) - interpret the value of each place-value position as 10 times the position to the right and as one-tenth of the value of the place to its left.
•4.2(B) - represent the value of the digit in whole numbers through 1,000,000,000 and decimals to the hundredths using expanded notation and numerals.
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