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Quotes: Tuesday Training Camp


Head Coach Bill O'Brien** CB A.J. Bouye
RB Ronnie Brown
DE J.J. Watt

Head Coach Bill O'Brien
(on having Louis Nix III back and what his plans are for him) "It's really trying to ease him back into things because he's been out for a while. It's a matter of getting him back in football shape, getting him some work in pads and not throwing him right back in there for 50 reps in a practice. We'll just continue to work him back in."

(on if Louis Nix III will be able to practice against Atlanta) "I think that he'll be able to do some things against Atlanta. But again, let's see how he is right now after practice and then I'll know better in the morning."

(on how Louis Nix III looked to him today after not practicing prior during training camp) "I haven't watched the tape yet. I didn't focus on one guy today."

The Texans hit the Houston Methodist Training Center for Day 10 of Texans Training Camp pres. by XFINITY.

(on how important Louis Nix III is to what he wants to accomplish in the regular season) "I think everybody is important right now that's out there. I don't see one guy being more important than the other guy. They're all fighting, battling for a job. (The) guys worked hard today. I don't see where I could tell you that one guy is more important than the other. They're all important."

(on what it means to him to have a rookie like Jay Prosch making one-handed catches with a cast on) "He's been a guy that since he walked in here he's worked very hard. He's one of those guys that hates to miss anything so it was good to have him back out there today with the taped-up cast on and things like that. He was trying to do as much as he could."

(on if Jay Prosch had surgery on his hand) "I don't remember."

(on if Jay Prosch has a broken wrist) "No, it's like a broken hand or something. But he's alright."

(on how Jay Prosch's injury inhibits him) "Just from catching the ball, putting his hands inside, things like that."

(on if Jay Prosch can play in a game) "Yeah, I mean he was out there today; full pads. He practiced. You guys were out there. He was doing 11-on-11."

(on the moves made by the team on the running backs and what he likes about Ronnie Brown) "Basically, again, it goes back to any time we have a chance to improve the football team, that's what we're going to do. Those guys that we released yesterday worked very hard for us. It wasn't a matter of anyone of them doing anything particularly wrong. It was more of a matter of we've got a chance to bring in some guys as we look towards the final roster here in three weeks, we've got a chance to have some guys here to see if we can improve the football team. So that's what we did with those guys."

(on if he embraces veterans helping coach up younger players) "I think it's important to have veteran presence out there; the guys that have played in the games. Guys that can answer questions from the rookies as they watch practice. The coaches are coaching the guys that are in there and then as you're standing back there watching your position, there's a good veteran presence back there that you can (ask) 'Hey, what would you do here? What would you do there?' So I think it's always good to have those guys out there to help."

(on how important Ronnie Brown's pass protections skills are when he's in the game with younger quarterbacks) "Big. He's a guy that I think is a good pass protector. I think when you watch him in the one-on-one drill today, I thought he did a good job already in pass protection. The deal with him now is learning our pass protections, which I think, in some ways, there's some carryover to what he did in Miami for a couple years there when there was a similar protection scheme at Miami. Hopefully he can associate some of our protections with what he's done in the past. He's a good pass-protecting back."

(on if he has a problem bringing back RB Arian Foster and WR Andre Johnson against the Falcons since they won't be full-pad practices) "If they were ready to go, we would put them back in there now. It wouldn't be for 100 reps. We would ease them back into the practice. But if they were ready to go, it's a day-to-day thing. And if they said and the trainers said that they felt like they were ready to go, then we would ease them back into those practices against Atlanta."

(on how big it will be for his younger cornerbacks to go against players like Atlanta wide receivers Julio Jones and Roddy White and the Denver wide receivers in practices leading up to the games against those teams) "Big. To have a chance to go against receivers in this league that are upper-echelon receivers, we've got really good receivers on our team; Andre Johnson, who I know hasn't been out there. When he has been out there, that's a really good guy to go against. (DeAndre) Hopkins is a really top-notch receiver to go against our DBs. Now you get a chance to against receivers from other teams like you just mentioned, Roddy White and Julio Jones. Obviously, when we go up to Denver and you have Demaryius Thomas and (Wes) Welker and those guys up there. It'll be a good test for our secondary."

(on if he feels the need to address the possibility of scuffles or fights when practicing with another team) "I think anything we address with the team as it relates to things like that I'll just keep between the team and myself and Mike Smith."

(on how he views training camp scuffles) "We don't have any time for fighting. We have time to compete and get better. There's no time for fighting."

(on trying different lineups on the offensive line to see what works best) "I think that's part of it but there's also injuries there, too. So I think right now we only have 12 guys available to us with guys that are out. Basically, as far as mixing and matching, there's not a whole lot you can do. You basically have two teams out there of linemen. What we try to do is work the guys that need the work at multiple positions. We try to do that: Ben Jones, Derek Newton right to left. (Xavier) Su'a-Filo played center today, played left tackle, played guard. So guys like that, we're trying to work different combinations of guys that work multiple positions."

(on if Xavier Su'a-Filo has a chance to start) "He's got a chance to start. But again, we're a long way from that. He's competing for that staring job though, no doubt about it."

CB A.J. Bouye
(on fixing errors made in the first preseason game) "We've just got to bring it over to the game. It's just mental errors, not rerouting and stuff. Just simple stuff that we worked since day one."

(on if any of the veterans have given him advice) "J-Jo (Jonathan Joseph) really. I was talking to him about certain things that I saw from the film last week before going into the game and he just talked to me after. I try to be in touch with him every time so that's what I'm doing this week while I'm watching film on the Falcons."

(on how much practicing with the Atlanta Falcons will help him out) "It's going to help out a lot. They've got great receivers, great core receivers. They've got a great team, great quarterbacks, so it's going to be interesting just to go in and compete and see how we match up against them."

(on Julio Jones being a large target to cover) "I know, but we've been against big receivers before. Arizona had big receivers so nothing major, we've just got to go out and compete again."

(on where he's most comfortable on the field) "I guess at cornerback."

(on if he prefers to be inside or outside in coverage) "I feel comfortable anywhere as long as I know where my help is at. Even if it's solo coverage that makes me be more aggressive so I feel comfortable with anything."

RB Ronnie Brown
(on how it feels to be with the Houston Texans) "It feels good being back on the field getting work. Obviously, a lot different than working out at home and trying to get in football shape and this Houston humidity. But it felt good to get back out and get moving."

(on how much he has left in the tank) "I think I got a lot. Going through two-a-days, we'll see. As far as the season and health-wise, I feel pretty good."

(on if it felt good to play physical on the goal line) "Yeah, you know, working out yesterday and coming out and putting full pads on and going, I'm sure I'll be a little sore tomorrow, but that is a part of it. That is what you look forward to and go ahead and get it over with. Get the soreness in and out."

(on how much contact he had with the Texans) "Well, I just got here yesterday morning."

(on if he talked to the team prior to yesterday) "No, and then today I came out and practiced and threw the stuff on. It felt pretty good."

(on where he had been working out) "In Atlanta."

(on what it means to get another shot) "It means a lot to me. Obviously, this is my passion. I love to do it and it feels good to be out here and be a part of team. To be going into my 10th season, I think that feels good and that is something in itself where I still feel like a long way to go and I still feel like I have a lot left. I'm looking forward to it."

(on what he understands his role is going to be) "Well it hasn't been defined yet. Obviously, Arian (Foster) is the guy. This is his team. They lean a lot on him and the things that he do and the things that he's capable of as a running back. But besides that, I'm just coming in trying to be another guy that can help be a piece of the puzzle. Whatever I can do to help this team win, that is my goal."

(on his experience and how it has helped him grasp the Texans' system) "Well, I think it helps. Being familiar with the offenses, and I think the only thing is trying to get the terminology down and the understanding of how they want it ran as far as the routes and the intricacies of the offense. I think those are just things that I have to figure out, but just trying to take it in stride, run with it, learn as much as possible and still I think in this league you always think you can learn something. I think when you feel like you've got it all then it might be your times up. I feel like I still have a long way to go."

(on if he assume he was going to be signed) "I didn't assume anything. I just was looking forward to an opportunity and I wanted to continue working out and preparing for it so when the gig come, I try to make the best of the opportunity. You can't assume anything in this business. You just try to take it for what it's worth, take it one day at a time, the opportunities and the things you can control is what you have in front of you."

(on what he took from Houston's performance last Saturday against Arizona) "I actually didn't get to see it because being back on the east coast they were showing some reruns of some other games, so I didn't get a chance to see it. But I think you take that in stride. It is the first preseason game. New system, new guys, a lot of stuff to learn, so, you know, that is a part of it. It is a learning process. That is the good part of the preseason. You get a chance to where you can go out, learn, see what guys can do, see what guys are capable of, see what, you know, put guys in the best position to be successful. As you learn that, than you are able to put your team together and learn from there."

(on if he has ties to anyone in the organization) "Well, I know some of the guys. I know Andre (Johnson), and then being around for 10 years, you know, pass guys a lot. We've seen a lot of guys and played against a lot of guys. So you're familiar with a lot of faces. Obviously, you know the guys that are face of the franchise like J.J. Watt, (Jadeveon) Clowney, new guys that's here, but obviously, your expectation for him are pretty high, Andre, the things that he's been able to accomplish going into his 12th season. You know those things. (Ryan) Fitzpatrick, I was familiar with him, him being in Buffalo and stuff. So you know, you just learn a lot. You meet a lot of people and just learn a lot during this process."

(on if he is close to anyone on the team) "I played with Quentin Groves at Auburn and then we had another Auburn guy just got here, a fullback (Jay Prosch). So that is good. Then, you know, the SEC guys I still play attention to that. I still watch college football a lot and pay attention to those things. You're pretty familiar with a lot of guys just being around the game and that being your passion you try to pay attention to it."

(on if he is ever concerned that you might be released quickly) "I do not. The only thing I control is the opportunity I have that day. I got out, I prepare myself, I work hard, whatever happens, happens. Other things that I can't control, I can't worry about. Those that I can, as far as myself, I try to take advantage of those types of things."

(on if he has talked to Arian Foster and what the conversations have been like) "Just a little bit, but you know, I think it's just trying to pay attention as much as possible. When I'm not in, trying to get a read on the plays. See what things look like. Trying to get all of the terminology, snap counts, cadences, the differences in the different guys, o-line, trying to get timing; so it's a lot of things that I've got to get done fairly quickly. But at the same time, I think we have a little bit of time and try to take advantage of it as far as the meetings rooms, being out here when I'm not it, paying attention when I am in, trying to listen to other guys, get coaches' feedback and see how they want things done."

(on how many more years he thinks he has left) "I don't know. You can't answer that. I think you have to take it one year at a time, especially being in this situation, you know, going into my 10th season. Physically, I feel good, but you know at the same time in this game that can change pretty quick. You never know."

(on where he thinks his skills fit in the offense) "I think it fits. I'm familiar with it. Like I said, the terminology is a little different. As far as the skillset and some of the zone plays and the running schemes, I'm familiar with a lot of that stuff. Than the passing game, it is just the different calls but it is something that I've done. I've been in a few offenses, so luckily I've seen a lot of stuff and I think I'll be able to grasp that quickly."

DE J.J. Watt
(on playing beside Jadeveon Clowney) "It's always nice to have the opportunity to move around a little bit and to rush from different places against different players, so I enjoy that opportunity."

(on working as a duo with Jadeveon Clowney) "We didn't really run any games together, we really didn't do any stunts or anything together, so it was just more me rushing on my game and him rushing on him, so that's how it worked out, but I'm sure in the future there will be different things."

(on Jadeveon Clowney almost taking Watt's sack in first preseason game) "That's the same thing here, everyone makes a real big deal out of it, but I didn't notice that he was outside of me, so it's just one of those things, you're playing football and some people make a bigger deal on a lot of things than it really is out there."

(on being concerned about his injured teammates) "Obviously, you'd like to have your entire team out on the football field every day, but all I can do is focus on who we do have out there and play as hard as I can play and we can play as hard as we can play, and try and lead the guys that are on the field. We hope that everybody is out there as quickly as they can be, but we understand their situations."

(on learning and developing moves as a rookie) "I think it definitely does take some time, but I think that's something you can really focus on this time of year because you get so many reps at one-on-ones in practice, you get so many opportunities to pass-rush, you need to learn how to handle yourself and how to strategize against an offensive lineman. When you get to the level where you can do that, that's part of the fun. That's part of the fun, trying to get inside somebody's head and see what they're thinking, see what they think you're thinking, and then see what they think you're thinking and then they're thinking. That's part of the fun, and then you go out there and you execute, but you have to have the moves to be able to do that, so it's fun to learn."

(on working with Jadeveon Clowney on pass rushing) "We've talked many times. Obviously, he's a pretty good pass rusher in his own right. I'm always trying to help other guys out and make them the best player they can possibly be."

(on moving around the defensive line) "I think in the past, we moved around pretty good, so I don't know if it's terribly different. I'll definitely be doing some moving again. How much? You'll have to wait and see, but it's fun. I enjoy it."

(on practicing against the Falcons) "It's a great opportunity to see other jerseys, seeing other schemes, and seeing new players. We've been hitting each other for a few weeks now, so it's a great opportunity to have a couple days of practice, where you see another team, you see  different players, just little things like: you watch an offensive lineman, how he sets, how he does this, his hand placement, all of these little things. You get a new face to see that, so it's a good opportunity and it's going to be good competition."

(on not showing the Falcons the full defense) "That's way above my pay grade, man. I don't know how the coaching and everything works on that. I just play the play they give me and play it as hard as I can."

(on how important it is to have Louis Nix on the field) "It's very important, obviously, you can't play if you're not on the field, so it's good to have him on the field."

(on how the team has responded in practice following loss) "I think we've done a good job of coming out here and working hard. I think that the guys are focusing on some of the things that we need to learn from and we're also focused on moving forward and making sure that we get those things corrected."

(on what stood out as positive during the game and what needs improvement) "I think we did a couple good things. Obviously, we got a sack on the first drive, I thought Jerrell Powe played very well. I thought he did a great job against some double teams. A nose guard getting a sack, is a pretty nice thing to see. I always like that, so I was more excited for his sack than I was for mine. I like stuff like that, so that was fun to watch."

(on Jerrell Powe being valuable to defense) "Yeah, he's a very hard worker. Jerrell is a very hard worker and he's a guy who comes every day, brings his lunch pale, knows what he's going to get. He knows he's not the most glamorous position in the world, but he plays it very well and then goes out there and gets a sack, so sometimes even that position gets some glamour."

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